Am I A Burden?

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Chapter 9

(Sonic's POV)
"You do know that we got to get up in a few hours right?" Shadow only smirked, leaning down to kiss me.

"Who said we're going back to bed. You seem wide awake." She smiled, resting her head against mine.

"I'm not like you Shadz. I need sleep to function." She sighed, "How about I take a quick nap before we get ready, about an hour?"

"Alright, but only an hour. I like to leave for school early." Rolling my eyes, I said fine, finally falling back to sleep.

Of course, about an hour later, and Shadow shakes me as I groaned.

"Don't make me force you." Shadow must of heard me scoff, as she tore off my blanket. She picked me up, pulling me off the bed. Shadow had a smug smirk, continuing to hold me bridle style.

"You scare me sometimes Shadz.." Shadow just giggled, gently setting me on my feet.

"Now. Get ready." Her face changed from gentle to serious. I don't know how, but she was a frightening little thing. Well, there is the vampire part too, but still. Even a grown man would be scared.

As I was getting dressed, Shadow looked around the room. Looking at all the photos around, seeing the picture of Rouge and I.

"You... You were very good friends with Rouge, Yes?" Shadow said, going back to her original accent. I just sighed as I put on my uniform, I really didn't want to talk about it.

"Yeah.... I thought we had something... She was a really good friend.." Shadow showed a sad expression as she walked towards me. "Can we just drop this and leave already."

(Shadow's POV)

"Can we just leave already?" Sonic asked as he walked out. Man.. what did you do Rouge..?

Sighing, I followed after him, fixing my skirt.

"Is it okay for us to walk to school, or should I get someone to take us?" Sonic shrugged, brushing his hair.

"I honestly don't care. I'm not that far from the school." I followed Sonic downstairs, following him to the kitchen. "Want anything?"

"I don't eat mortal food." Sonic blushed slightly, making an 'oh yeah' face. I couldn't help but laugh at him. "Just get what you need and we'll head out." I was wondering if Mephiles would send a car for me, or I should just walk to school. Sonic might be okay with walking..

"Ready to go?" Sonic's voice broke me out of my trance. He smiled, like the big dork he is, and led me outside. I guess Sonic was okay with walking, it did give us some alone time.

It took us a little bit to get to school, but we were still early. I walked with Sonic, going to his locker. Mephiles should be here, but I couldn't sense him around. Maybe he was just coming late. I should just go look around for him.

"I'll be back Sonic. I gotta go find my brother." I said, as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Sonic said bye and walked away from him.

(Sonic's POV)

I watched as Shadow walk away, her hips swaying. I sighed, now being alone in the hall. Only a few people littered the hall.

As I was putting stuff into my locker, something came up behind me. Something was familiar about this.. My heart started racing, and I couldn't breath.

"Yo, Sonic why are you so freaked out?" Silver's voice gave me relief.

"Geez... Silver you scared me." Sighing, I shut my locker. She looked so confused, before rolling her eyes.

"Sooo~ How was your weekend?" Silver smiled, "I heard you stayed over at the twins house. How was it?" Her face lit up.

"Oh god.. It was a little awkward. But I guess okay..?" I wasn't allowed to tell her about Shadow or Mephiles.

"Can I get details? Anything EXCITING happen?" Silver was really eager to hear something steamy.. God.

"Um... She got a nightmare, and we cuddled?... I don't really remember much." What else could I tell her? "Oh... We got together" Silver squealed, hurting my ears. "Geez Silv! You're gonna make me deaf."

"I'm so excited for you!" She grabbed hold of my hand, smiling.

After getting her to get off the topic, and school was about to start. I was surprised that Scourge hasn't shown up yet. I guess he's just late or something.

I still couldn't believe that he was a vampire all this time... Wait. Could he be the one being all the murders?... Oh god.. Is he gonna come after me, now that I know about him? 

"Sonic!" Silver screamed in my ear. "You keep zoning out dude. What's got you so freaked?..." She was concerned, looking up at me.

"I.. I just forgot about something that's all.." I laughed nervously, smiling. "I-It's nothing." Silver just looked at me weirdly, before sighing. We just went on with the morning till school started. Scourge still wasn't here, which kinda freaked me out. He could be out there, waiting for us.. Oh god..

"Sonic..?" Shadow whispered, seeing I was distressed. "What's wrong?.."

"Scourges not here..." I whispered back, feeling on edge. "It's kinda freaking me out.."

"Calm down... I'll protect you." Shadow smiled before turning back to class. Yeah, a super strong freaky vampire girl is gonna protect me. Sigh, I'm never gonna live that down.

Classes went by okay, and now it was lunch time. As usual, I was sitting with Silver, but then Shadow and Mephiles walked over. I was surprised, I never saw them here before. Shadow sat down next to me, with Mephiles next to her.

I could tell that Mephiles was smiling at Silver, and she just blushed. 

"What are you guys doing here?" Shadow just laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Are we not allowed here?..." Shadow crossed her arms, leaning on the table.

"N-No, it's not that. It's just that you guys never come here." I poked around my food, trying not to make eye contact with her.

"Aren't you guys hungry?" Silver asked, noticing they didn't get food yet.

"We make our own lunches.. I'm allergic to some of the things they make." Mephiles shifted his mask, looking at me. His eyes flashed, before looking back at Silver. They continued to chat with each other, as Shadow smiled lightly.

Lunch went by, and I feared that the twins were starving themselves or something. Maybe vampires don't need to eat regularly like we do. I actually never saw any of them eat or drink, whatever it is, before. It feels like I was falling behind or I was just holding them back. I must of been the reason why Shadow was hurt that one time. What if something else happens to them because of me? Am I just gonna be a burden to them?..  

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