Please Come Back...

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Chapter 12

(Normal POV)
It was weird for Sonic to go to school without Shadow. Mephiles was a lot quieter than he usually is. Not even Silver seemed to cheer him up. He would tense at every noise made around him.

When the bell rang, Mephiles was the first one out of the class. He was begging for school to be over, so he could be by his sister's side. Shadow was healing quickly, but she was weak. Her strength is nearly half as strong as she used to be. She was paler, and dark circles formed under her eyes. Werewolf blood is very poisonous to vampires. If consumed, it would kill them in minutes, if it were to stay in their system.

Shadow was lucky to get it out of her before it could cause anymore damage. But the downside, she been sleeping for the last few days. Mephiles refused to hunt, drink or anything but leave Shadow side.

Sonic now only noticed, Scourge disappeared again. Scourge must of knew what he's done, and decided to hide. Sonic kept this to himself, not wanting Mephiles to get even more pissed off.

(Sonic's POV)
Silver and I watched as Mephiles waited impatiently in the car. He tapped his foot, as we were driven to his house. As soon as we were stopped, he threw himself out of the car.

"What's up with Meph?... He's been acting strange all week.." Silver said, as I helped her out.

"Shadow got really sick, and Mephiles is just really worried for her health.." She still didn't know about them. I was gonna keep it that way, until they were ready.

"Oh gosh... Is she gonna be okay?" I just sighed, I honestly don't know. 

"I really hope she will be." I held the door open for Silver, walking in after her. I gasped as I saw Shadow up, sitting on the couch. She just smiled as I rush to her. Shadow pulled me into a tight hug, sighing.

"I'm fine now.. I'll be back to school in a few days. I just need to rest a bit." I heard Silver sigh with relief.

"Thank god.. I got really worried. Neither of them told me what happened to you." Shadow only laughed, as I could tell Mephiles was smiling.

Rouge can in running, shouting. "Shadow! Mephiles! Th-" She stopped seeing Silver and I. Rouge had absolute terror in her face. She pulled Mephiles off to the side, whispering. Silver was confused as I was, and Shadow tensed up. Mephiles quickly turned to Shadow as she nodded. She must of heard the whole thing. Rouge walked over to Silver, smiling. Silver's eyes widen, as she couldn't look away. Rouge snapped her fingers, causing Silver's eyes roll back, and pass out.

"What the hell?!" I rush over to Silver, as Rouge held her.
"It's one trick I can do." She looked at Mephiles and Shadow. "I'll protect them with my life.."

"Good. And the others are defending the house?" Rouge nodded, as Shadow stood. "Good. C'mon Mephiles." Shadow walked towards the door.

"What the hell is happening?! Shadow!" I grabbed her wrist. She turned to me, pissed off.

"Someone is threatening our ground. We have to deal with them. Stay here." Shadow pulled away from me. "Don't worry, I'll be back." With that, both of them ran out. I wasn't just gonna let them fight alone. I don't care if it was vampires or what else, I was gonna go with them. Once I knew Rouge didn't see me, I rush out the door. I tried to follow their trail. Man were they fast...Shadow tricked me that day on the track... Aww man...

(Normal POV)
Several vampires were fighting, as the twins arrived. Shadow immediately grabbed one, smashing its head in. A certain green haired vampire, tackled her down. Holding her down, laughing.

"Man have you gotten weak... Perfect time to fight. Especially with my fledglings." Shadow growled, clawed at Scourge's face.

"How dare you go on your killing spree?! And turning innocent people into monsters?!" Shadow yelled, knocking off Scourge. Scourge only laughed as they fought.

"They were willing to give up their humanity! I'm not just a 'heartless' killer" Scourge said with sarcasm. They continued to fight, as they heard something approach. Mephiles managed to hold an opposing vampire in a chokehold. Shadow quickly turned, finding Sonic panting. Blood was dripping down his knee. Shadow gasped, as Mephiles quickly acted.

Mephiles snapped the young vampires spine in two, causing her to scream out in agony. Scourge screamed out, as Shadow pinned him down.

"Stay away from him. Or you'll lose your leader." Shadow growled, as the others coward away.

"You're all cowards!" Scourge screamed, struggling to get out of Shadow's strong grip.

"Shut up." Shadow punched him in the face.

"Never! Not until you're dead!" Shadow growled, looking at Mephiles and snapped her fingers. Mephiles nodded, bit down onto the girl's neck, and tore the poor vampire's head off. Scourge screamed out, tears streaming down his cheeks. "YOU BASTARDS! THAT WAS MY MATE!!" He growled, and kicked harder at Shadow, as they fought on the ground. Sonic gasped, looking at the vampire. She had red hair, pulled into ponytail, with bright blue eyes, that dulled now. Her body laid limp on the ground as Mephiles threw the head down. Scourge looked up at Sonic, tears soaked his cheeks. "Do it now!" 

A scream of agony came from the blue boy. A vampire had dashed up behind him, and wrapped their arms around his chest, squeezing. You could hear the bones cracking as the squeezed harder. A second one slashed out Sonic's abdomen, blood spraying out. Mephiles ripped the two away from Sonic, throwing them. Sonic gasped for air, as he fell. Shadow screamed, rushing to him, catching him before he could hit the ground.

Scourge just stood up, wiping away his tear away, as he rushed off. He thought to himself, if he has to live without his mate, so should she. The other vampires, rushed after him, badly beaten.

"No no no no no, Sonic stay with me... Please. Stay with me" Shadow shook as she held Sonic close to him.

"You have to do it Shadz... It's the only way to save him..Do it now.." Mephiles slipped Sonic out of her grip. He gasped, and gagged on blood.

"I... I'm sorry... I couldn't k-keep... our promise.." Sonic manage to say, coughing up blood. His ribs and spine was all broken, every single bone. His guts were spilling out, along with blood.

"Shhh.. It's okay.. This will be all over soon... Just come back.." Shadow nearly cried as she bit into Sonic's neck. Sonic tensed, gagging even more. Shadow continued to drink and inject her venom into Sonic. Just hopping it save his life. Shadow pulled away, as Sonic twitched. Sonic took in one last gasp of air, before going limp.

Shadow felt as time itself stopped. She watched as all color and heat drained from her love. His once beautiful emerald eyes had dulled, almost no color. All warmth had drained from his body.

"It might take longer than it did for us..." Mephiles said after a few hours of them sitting there. The dead vampires body had turned to ash by now, leaving no traces of them. 

"He'll come back.." Was all Shadow could say. Mephiles just stood, taking Sonic from her grasp. He carried him back home, as Shadow followed. So far Sonic had shown no signs of coming back. But Shadow knew he would.. He had too..

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