Learning More

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Chapter 10

(Sonic's POV)

It's been weeks and Scourge hasn't shown up for school. Which kinda scared me, it's like he dropped off the face of the earth. Now, Shadow was acting weird. She was so much more clingy than before. Almost every second she was around me, she was attached to me. Shadow was very sexual at times too,which confused me in two ways.

It was the weekend, and I was hanging out with the twins. Only now did it occur to me, that I don't know much about them. Yet, somehow Shadow knew everything about me.

"Hey Mephiles?" I asked, causing Mephiles to look up from his book.

"Yes?" He said, not wearing his mask today. Now that I know there secret, he didn't care about hiding his mouth around me.

"What was your life like before... Y'know." Mephiles just smiled, laughing slightly.

"Well, you may need to ask my sister, I do not remember much of our past." He smiled, flashing his fangs at me. "I've been 'mutated', as you may say, most of my memories have been corrupted. I o not know of my age for when I died."

"Mutated? Is that why you have a larger set of teeth?" He nodded, even with his mouth closed, his fangs stuck out.

"There are very few types of us, There are Alphas, the Betas, and the Omegas. I know that I am a Beta.."Mephiles groaned, rubbing his head, "I'm sorry. It hurts to think so far in the past." Mephiles sighed. I felt bad, like I caused him this pain. Hopefully he's not in too much pain.

Shadow walked up to us, wiping blood off her lips. I'm not as phased as I used to be, with them drinking blood.

"I heard you guys talking about me." She sat next to me, smiling. "You want to know of our past, hm?" Shadow thought about it. "How about I tell you of the levels of vampires instead?"

"Come on Shadz. I want to know more about you." Was she really going to be like this?

"Don't start whining or I won't tell you anything." She smiled, once I stopped. "Now then. I'll start with my brother.. He's a beta. They are made for fighting. Their fangs are meant to tear off flesh, and break bones and such." Shadow sighed, closing her eyes. "Omegas are charmers. They aren't meant for much. Other than to lure their prey. They are fast and quick on their feet and attacks. They are quick enough to kill a man in one hit."

"Are you an Omega?" I cut her off, only causing her to be pissed for a second. She laughed soon after, looking over at Mephiles.

"Did you not tell him?" Shadow only laughed more. "No Sonic, I'm an Alpha. A higher rank then Mephiles. We are very skilled in all things. We are the leaders of all vampires. Only a few exist. We have all the abilities as the others, but more powerful."

"Whoa." Shadow just smirked, leaning against to me.

"So, what do you think of your girlfriend now? The queen of all vampires." Mephiles smirked, leaning back in his seat. I was lost for words. Shadow was the queen of all vampires? Oh my god.. I knew my girlfriend was strong and powerful, but wow. She was even more powerful than I thought.

"Maybe I'll make you my king~" Shadow leaned closer to me. Wow, I never thought of that. Becoming a vampire. Then I'll be just like them. I won't be a burden on them anymore. I'll finally be of use to them...

Shadow leaned in closer, drawing closer to my neck. I couldn't move, even if I wanted to, I wondered what it's like to be like them.. I closed my eyes, as she got closer. I was ready to accept this, accept my death. Shadow pressed her lips against my neck, feeling her smirk against my skin. Just as I thought she would bite me, she kissed my neck and pulled away.

"Do you really think I would change you right now?" She giggled a little, tilting her head to the side. I couldn't help but blush, and look away.

"Eh.. No.. B-But I wouldn't be o-opposed to it, if that's what you're asking." I scratched my face, looking at her from the corner of my eye.

"No..." Shadow's voice was stern. I looked over at her, confused. "I will not put this curse on you. I want you to live life, the life I never got to have." Oh.. That's right... They are dead, and they are teenagers... I'll stay my age forever, if she changed me right now..

"How old are you Shadz...?" Shadow looked at me, pissed.

"You do not ask a women her age." She crossed her arms.

"We are over a thousands years Sonic. We were born in 1802." Mephiles said calmly. "Both of us were changed in the same year." I sighed. This is not what I meant.

"No... I mean.. What's your real age... the age you died at.." Shadow froze when I asked, staring at the ground. Her hair covered her face from me.

"I.... I..." Shadow stuttered, shaking slightly. "I... I was sixteen... Mephiles was fourteen..." Shadow sighed, looking up at me.. "I never got to live a normal life.. I want you to be able to live on..."

"Geez... Shadow.." She just smiled lightly. I was technically older than her already. I'm eighteen, going on to nineteen in the summer.

"Yes, you are 'older'.. But I wish to wait till I change you.. At least till your out of school and find out what you want to do.. After all, We'll have eternity to spend time with each other." Shadow sighed. "Can you promise me, that you'll wait that long?" 

"Yeah.. I can wait" Shadow smiled, looking up at me. "And I'll keep that promise." I intended to keep that promise.

I still couldn't believe that Shadow and Mephiles were barely teenagers.. Man.. It must of been so confused when they first woke up. Man... and Shadow refused to tell me what the transformation was like. Mephiles can't remember anything till after his death. He remembers nothing of his past, oh god. These guys had such a tragic past.. And they won't be able break free from this.. Curse.. I was going to keep my promise to her. I'll keep two promises...

Once Shadow left again, going off with Rouge, Mephiles told me more about their kind. Rouge was an omega. Yet she doesn't charm her prey into killing them, she just likes playing with them. Rouge was a lot stronger then most omegas, but she wasn't a fighter. Rouge refused to fight anyone of their race.

Mephiles also explained that it was their mating season right now, it should only lost the rest of this month. Man, so that's why she's been so clingy. Mephiles explained that if Shadow were to let her instincts go wild, she would kill me. Which explains how Shadow was feeding a lot more and tend to stay away longer than she usually does. So she's been dealing with this urge, but strong enough to block it. I wonder how hard it was for her.

"Wait, how are you so calm during this?" I asked, Mephiles smiled lightly.

"Who said I've been calm? I'm struggling to not run and find my mate." Mephiles cracked his knuckles. "I'm just really good at hiding my emotions, I just have more patients than my sister." Mephiles laughed slightly, flashing his fangs at me. I couldn't help but smile.  

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