Tooken too far.

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Morning eventually came. I was being shooken awake by calum and Ashton.

C: "come on Katie it's time to go"

"Ughfhum" there was silence.

A: "well anyway.. Let's go. We'll make it to your house in no time"

I'm guessing they were kinda freaked out by the noise I made.

"Ugh okay"

C: "what's wrong now?"

"...carry me."

A: "ok..I'll carry you. Calum you get what she brought in"

C:"I wish instead of bringing in tears, she could've blocked tears out"

"Yeah but it wouldn't have happened if Michael just did what he was supposed to and not drink."

Since my house wasn't that far Ashton carried me there and put me down at the door.

As I open the door there were two pairs of eyes staring back at me.

Luke and Michael stayed silent as they watch me walk up to my room to put my stuff up.

I was scared to walk back down. I don't like meet ups especially when they're about me.

I was debating on if I wanted to go down there or not. I stayed in my room for a few minutes...until I heard, "KATIE COME ON! We have to have this talk sometime or later!" It sounded like Michael.

"CAN IT BE LATER!!? I'm feeling a bit under the weather today *cough cough*"

"Nice try Kate!"

"Ugh, okay I'll be there in a minute". Well that plan backfired. I started walking down the stairs with my head down in shame. I missed a step....I may have gasped but didn't scream because I probably deserve to fall...but I was caught... I looked up...Luke? Ugh that makes this a thousand times better!

Luke whispered, "Kate?" I didn't respond I just looked down and walked to the couch.

Luke came and sat by me. I turned my body so I was sitting sideways.

L: "Kate I-I think w-we should take a-a b-break"

I gasped and looked up. Still not facing him I whispered a "why?"

L: "why?! Why? Because Katie. I trusted you. You cheated on me! You had sex with another man!"

I started to tear up. Ashton looked at me and saw me crying. Little sobs came out of my mouth..that's what happens when I keep a whole river of tears inside me.

A: "l-Luke? I think you took this a little too far."

L: "why would I care?!" I turned around.

"OH REALLY?! SO YOURE SAYING IF I KILLED MYSELF OR GOT wouldn't care? Would you? I guess not" I yelled, as I threw a couch pillow at him and ran back up to my room crying. 

As soon as I made it back in my room, I slammed the door shut and scooted down against the door. And this time I let all of it out.

As I was against the door I heard a lot of footsteps run up the stairs. And then there were knocks on my door.

C: "KATIE please open the door!"

"Leave me alone...I don't see why you guys even care about me enough to come up here! I mean Luke obviously doesn't care!"

L:"Katie! Look I'm sorry! What I said back there, I didn't mean it! Please open the door"

I did make any movement or any sound. I heard a whisper from Outside of the door. I think it was Ashton's voice.
The whisper was , "yeah you definitely took this too far"

Then I think they all walked away and let me be...good. I flopped down on my bed. Then there was another knock at my door. Ugh!

"Kate it's calum. I'm so sorry for what Luke said. Will you at least open the door for me though?"  I still stayed silent on my bed. "Kate??"

"Ugh fine" I walked to the door and unlocked it then went back to my bed.

"It's unlocked". I said.

"Wow you really love him."

"How could you tell"
"Your eyes are really red!"
"It doesn't matter"
"Why doesn't it matter"

"Luke broke up with me and he doesn't care about me anymore"

"Katie...he still cares..I know he does."



"Can I be alone"


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