But im sneakier

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(кαтιє'ѕ ρσν)
I heard singing. Luke's voice. I-i can't do this anymore!!! I love Luke and the guys but I just can't! I can't put up with them being like this with me.

When Luke left, I got out of bed and went into the bathroom....

(Uh-oh! Trigger warning)

I looked everywhere in the bathroom! No blade in sight. Damn those boys were good at hiding things from me. I wonder if they hide secrets from me.

"Ugh where are they?!" I whisper shouted in fusteration. I then saw something shiny, peeking out from behind a picture frame. Wow lashton and malum! Wow. Why didn't I ever think to look back behind things.

I stepped closer. Wow how original to tape a blade to the wall!

I unattached the blade and walked over to the sink.

Do I really want to do this? Do i want this to be addicting and do it on a regular basis? Do I want to ruin my skin?

A part of me says "yes! You need to" while the other part says "no! Don't do it what will the boys think?"

I had to just to get it over and done with. I locked the door and made my way back over to the sink. I pressed the sharp metal onto my wrist.

Here it goes...

"Ahhh ouch!!" I shrieked. I guess I forgot how painful it was. I sliced my skin a couple more times and started sobbing uncontrollably as I let the blood run down my hand and into the sink. 

What have I done?! Yes i felt relief when I did it but now it feels like I'm still trapped.

(αѕнтσи'ѕ ρσν)
I was in the kitchen, putting things up when I heard this loud shriek and then a sob.

"Katie?!" I ask/yell down the hall. No answer just silence.

"KATIE?!" I asked a little more panicked. I ran over to the couch and shook Luke.

"Luke! Luke! Something's wrong with Katie!"

"What's wrong"

"I don't know but I heard a sob and a shriek! Luke we need to help her!"

"KATIE!!?" We both yelled as we ran to the bathroom. The sobbing kept on and on.

"Katie open this door before I open it myself!" I yelled into the door.

"Katie open the door! Let me in"

Me and Luke banged on the door nonstop.

Katie didn't answer at all she just sobbed.

"Okay Katie! That is enough! I'm coming in! Wether you like it or not!" I yell as I keep kicking the door as hard as I could.

Right as soon as I kicked it the door opened. I was confused by what I saw.

Katie was on the floor with her sweatshirt on. There seemed to be red liquid in the sink.

Well I'm not concerned about that right now! I'm concerned if my sister is hurt or not!

I Rush over to Katie and hug her tightly. She flinches.

"Katie! oh my god! Are you okay?!" I ask in a worried tone.

She keeps her head down staying silent.

Luke looked at me and gave me a "should I leave" look. I nodded.

"Katie I need to know if you're okay! I'm your brother and I wasn't there for you much. Now it's time that I am. Are you okay?"

"Umm n-no"

Broken girl (L.H.)Where stories live. Discover now