Nigerian Mothers and Clothes

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Every Nigerian child knows the story when their parents are about to get them new clothes. You know what it means for the not-so-well-off parents, they see it as wasting money and sometimes it makes us mad but they go through stuff as well. Money doesn't grow on trees, so remember that.

If you live with Nigerian parents, you can relate with the following dramas that occur when it's time to get new outfits.

1. When you ask for new clothes in August, your parents make you wait till December then end up buying just 1 clothe for Christmas. 

2. When your mother wants to buy you shoes but doesn't take you to the market; she uses a broomstick o measure your legs, and still ends up buying you either an oversized, or undersized shoe.

3. When your parents intentionally buy you oversized clothes so you don't grow out of it soon.

4. When your mum promises to buy you something if you follow her to the market, and when you do, you end up being her personal luggage carrier and buys you one pair of sock (100 naira).

5. When she refused to buy you the shirt you like because of that extra 500 naira.

6. When you tell your mum you need new clothes and she asks you if you've finished wearing the ones you have.

7. When the seller is a ''bend down and pick'' seller who sells cheap oversized clothes, and your mum tells you to try on a UK size 16 to see if it's your size.

8. When you ask your mum to buy you Adidas and she comes home with Aba version bearing Abibas and when you complain, she asks ''What's the difference?''

9. When you tell your mum to get you suit, she does so very quickly but when you tell her to get you jeans, she suddenly becomes stingy because she thinks suit is more decent.

10. When she buys yoor Christmas clothes in August because it's cheaper.

11. When she buys you something and you ask how much it costs and she says, ''Do you want to pay me back the money?''

12. When she buys the exact same clothe for you and all your siblings and writes your individual names on your clothes.

13. When you come 1st in class and your mum takes you shopping and she says ''Pick anyone you want, one oooo''.

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