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The cold breeze of the winter air coated troye's body, slapping his cheek harshly turning them a pink color from the cold, goose bumps started to rise, his thin denim jacket barely keeping him warm. The snow crunched under his boots, his mind only able to focus on the melting snow under his boots. He would usually block out everything with his headphones, but today he didn't feel like doing that. He wore his headphones around his neck, softly playing move me, just enough so he could hear the words. He saw the bus stop in a distance. He tired his best to not focus on the amount of people there today.

Humming softly, he scrolled through his phone. Looking at Tumblr, trying his best to pass the time. He refused to stand in the crowd of people, his anxiety growing at the seams.

Once he arrived to the bus stop his bus was pulling into the lot. Everyone crowded around the door, trying their hardest to push through everyone.

"Troye, sit with me!" Zoe Sugg voices, pulling on Troye's arm. He had no other choice but to sit with her, considering all of the other seats were occupied already. "Aren't you freezing?" She questions looking down at his denim jacket, the one he usually always wore.

Troye shook his head. He wasn't in the mood for confrontation early this morning. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone at all if he was being honest. It wasn't that he hated Zoe, it was the fact he just sometimes wasn't in the mood to talk to the people who wanted to talk to him.

"Guess what?" She says, jumping up and down slightly, a giddy smile on her lips. "Alfie told Joe he wanted to ask me out!" She practically shouts. Zoe and Alfie have had an infatuation with each other since the day Joe, Zoe's younger brother introduced them. Yet neither of the two have confessed their feelings for the other. Troye guessed it was the fact she was his best friends sister.

The conversation between Zoe and Troye was mostly her talking him nodding. Zoe could sense he didn't want to talk today so she kept the conversation to a minimal. When the bus stopped at the school Troye finally spoke up.

"Are you gonna ask Alfie out? Or?" He questioned. Adjusting the strap of his bag and headphones. He looked at Zoe, who was in a daze. "You could ask him out." He says. Zoe snaps out of her daze looking at him with wide doe eyes.

"What? Huh?" She says creasing her eyebrows. Troye chuckles softly.

"Take the lead, Zo. You've liked him for so long just do it. Alfie wouldn't say no anyway he's in love with you." Troye jokes. Zoe laughs shaking her head, her brown hair falling slightly into her eyes.

"What makes you think Alfie would say yes if I took the lead? I thought the guy was supposed to ask the girl out?" Zoe groans her anxiety growing stronger. Troye pats her shoulder but doesn't say anything to assure her anxieties.

Students lingered in the hallways, away from the cold winters day. Zoe and Troye made their way through the hectic hallway, attempting to find their group of friends. It wasn't hard to find the group when one person had a laugh you could recognize from afar. That infamous laugh belonged to Tyler Oakley, the lilac haired boy stood out in a crowd, but in a good way. He was lively and knew how to make it a fun time.

Tyler greeted Troye with a bone crushing hug, squishing him into his chest. Tyler also was known for being a hugger. Troye didn't mind because sometimes you need to be held or just even hugged. And Tyler knew that.

"Zoe, Troyeboy!" Tyler says pulling away. Tyler had nicknamed Troye, Troyeboy the day they were introduced by Zoe. "Have you met the new guy?" Tyler questions, his eyes trailing behind Zoe and Troye. He turned around slightly, to see the guy. He noticed the guy had dark brown hair, he was wearing a black leather jacket, with ripped skinny jeans and combat boots. Troye tried to make out the color of his eyes but the guy was staring down at his phone, his head turned away from Troye.

"I can feel you staring." He says, still not looking up from his phone. "Please stop. I'm not gay." he bluntly says his voice bland. Troye chokes on his saliva when he registers what he said. Troye knew he wasn't gay, he wasn't checking out the guy, he was just looking like any normal person would. Maybe he was looking a little too long? That's probably what gave him the wrong idea. Troye thought to himself.

Troye turned around, a blush coating his cheeks. Tyler suppressed a laugh, trying his hardest to hold his giggles in.

"That was awkward." Troye mumbles shaking his head. Zoe pats his shoulder, shaking her head while she laughs softly. The new guy walks away, slipping his phone into his jacket pocket.

Everyone looked at Troye, finally letting out a loud laugh. Tyler was the first to laugh. His laugh was contagious.

"Go after him, idiot." Tyler says turning Troye around and pushing him into the crowded hallway. Troye shook his head, backing up, but Tyler wasn't going to let him stay. "Go make friends with him." He sternly says nudging Troye's rib cage. He sighed, looking into the sea of people to find the boy. It wasn't hard, he was the only leather jacket, ripped jeans, combat boot wearing teenager Troye met.

Troye walked around the hallways trying to find the boy. He looked at every locker, where people stood, he looked everywhere. But still couldn't find him.

"Now you're stalking me. Nice dude." Troye jumped slightly, turning around to see the new guy, he had taken off his jacket and underneath he was wearing a gray long sleeved shirt. Troye gulped, lost for words. "What's your name at least?" He says pulling out a pack of cigarettes.

"You can't smoke on school grounds." Troye absentmindedly says, distracted by his actions. he watched he cigarette between his lips curiously.

"It's a metaphor." He says taking the cigarette out of his mouth and holding it between his fingers. Troye looked at him confused, asking him to elaborate what he meant. "I don't light the cigarette to give it the power to kill me. I put it between my lips unlit and it acts as the power of a lit one." He elaborated.

Troye felt dizzy, his heart starting to beat in his chest rapidly. he nearly forgot Jacob's question too lost in what he had said.

"I'm Troye." He finally says, smiling softly at the boy. The boy brings the cigarette back up to his lips, twirling it between his teeth. Troye couldn't help but watch his actions, lost in at the way he did them so effortlessly. If Troye tried to be as effortless as him it wouldn't look as good as he makes it look. He made it look hot and Troye was frightened by those thoughts

"I'm Jacob." He says. The way his name rolled off his tongue had Troye's thoughts buzzing. It rolled of his tongue delicately, so effortlessly. Troye was lost in bliss at the sound of his name.

Before the boys could continue talking, the ball for first period rang. Both boys went their separate ways.

"Did you get his name?" Zoe excitedly questions. Troye snaps out of the daze he was in, focusing on Zoe.

He nods a smile curling on his lips as the name rolled off his tongue with ease. It didn't sound as beautiful when he spoke the name in tongues but something about his name provoked his being, and made him curious about how such a simple name could sound so beautiful. "Jacob."


Holy fuck! Sorry it took so long to update. I've been procrastinating a lot but good thing break starts soon.


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