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Troye looked at the blue eyed girl, unable to spit the words out of his mouth. He couldn't tell her that he had spent his day with Jacob, but he knew if he wanted her help he'd have to speak about him sooner or later. He wished for it to be the later.

Troye unable to sit still, moved from Zoe's floor to laying face down on her bed. Like last time Troye was here she rubbed his back soothingly saying encouraging words to him till he was ready to speak to her.

"Zoe, I fucked up." He says his voice muffled from the sheets of her bed. Zoe attempts to make out his words, laughing softly when she heard them.

With a soft voice, "and how is that?" She questions him, playing with his lock of curls.

"Well first off Jacob and I can't be friends." He says his voice creaking as he spoke the words. Zoe looks at him almost as if he had another head on his shoulder, rolling her blue eyes.

"Troye if you fucking just let him talk to you without going off on him, you'd be friends, but you hide your feelings for him with anger and, don't contradict me." She says her frustration towards her friend growing thin. "You like him, Troye admit it." She commands looking into his eyes. Troye avoids looking into her eyes knowing if he made eye contact with the girl he'd break under the pressure.

Troye abruptly stands up, glaring at Zoe but not meeting eye contact. "I do not fucking like a guy." He spits, walking backwards. "I don't like Jacob." He whispers mostly to himself. He stands by the window watching the quiet suburban streets. He wanted to get lost in the quiet, and just for once not have people screaming at him.

Troye knew he had been lying to Zoe. He didn't want to admit he liked Jacob. Jacob was the first ever male crush he had, and that scared Troye. He never once kissed a boy and now all he could think about was his plump lips, and his hazel eyes looking at him till they met in a kiss. Yet it never happens because Troye always avoids his feelings by pretending to hate the person he's falling for.

"Troye if you don't like him then why is the idea making you so angry?" Zoe questions the younger blue eyed boy a smug look on her lips.

"Zoe, you want your satisfaction? Fine, I like him. Are you happy?" Troye cries out, sitting on the windowsill. Zoe sits beside him, sighing softly. She pulls him in for a hug, but he refuses to let her hold him.

"If you like him why are you pushing the feelings away?" Zoe questions oblivious to the facts. Zoe vaguely knows about what goes on in the Mellet household, but she didn't know about the words that would be spat at him from his father's drunken lips. If Zoe would have known she would've understood his fears about liking a boy.

Troye refuses to look at Zoe as the tears fall from his eyes. When his friend notices he is crying she pulls him into her arms, holding him tightly.

"I-It's my father Zoe." He stutters out nervously his lips quivering. "H-he would hit me more if he found out I like boys." He sobbed.

"Troye, my parents wouldn't mind if you moved in. They'd understand." She softly says. Zoe had offered him this before but he couldn't leave Tyde or his mom behind, he knew if he left them his father would take his anger out on one of the two.

"Zoe I can't leave my family." He avoids making eye contact with her blue eyes, by now he knew she was near tears and he didn't want to face her.

"You don't deserve to be abused every time your fathers drunk. This isn't right. I'm not just offering to have you stay either we have two other spare rooms, if I talked to my family they wouldn't mind-,"

Troye cuts Zoe off standing up. "But I would mind! I don't want your pity. I didn't come here for that." He angrily spits, his mood shifting. He grabbed his denim jacket and headphones from her chair, before he left he turned around. "I can take care of myself." He bitterly says rushing out of her room. Joe stands in the hallway glaring at Troye.

"She's just trying to help you." He says pushing past Troye and hitting his shoulder in the process. "Whatever is going on in that head of yours, you better sort it out before you hurt someone you really care about." He disappears into his room, the door slamming shut.

Troye slips on his jacket and headphones, sighing in contentment when the night air hit his face. He softly shuts the front door, walking down the street.

Afraid of going home, Troye avoided walking that way at all cost. He knew his father would be home and waiting for him to return, so he could hit him for being the son he never wanted. Troye thought about taking up Zoe's offer, so he could avoid coming to school with a pain in his rib and a bruise running up his back, he thought about it and it seemed like a life he wanted. That's how he found himself running back to Zoe's, panting in the process.

Joe answers the door, glaring at the younger boy. "What do you want?" He says. Troye, struggling to speak begins to annoy Joe. "Do you need water?" He rolls his eyes. Troye nods his head very quickly. Joe disappears into the kitchen. Troye heard the cupboards open and close and the faucet turn on then off. Joe then returned with a glass of water, handing it to Troye–who thanked him with a smile–and gulped down the liquid in the glass.

"I need to talk to Zoe." He says, leaving out a breath of air. Joe doesn't move from in front of him. "I want to apologize for being a dick." Joe towers over him in height making him shrink back a bit. Joe moves out of the way, letting Troye run up the stairs to Zoe's room. He knocks on the door, hearing sniffles and the occasional hiccup.

"Go away Joe." She says through the sobs. Troye felt horrible for making his best friend cry, if he wasn't such a dick sometimes maybe people wouldn't leave him.

"It's not Joe, it's me." Troye says opening her door, she throws a pillow at him, but Troye with quick hands catches the pillow and throws it to the floor. "I'm sorry Zoe." He softly says walking towards Zoe. "I'm sorry I'm such a dick sometimes, but you of all people should know I can't help it some times." He says, pulling Zoe into a tight hug, she punches his chest at first, trying to pull away but she soon relaxes into the hug.

"You're such an idiot Troye sometimes." She softly laughs to herself, pulling away from Troye to wipe away the tears staining her cheeks.

"Don't remind me." He laughs shaking his head. "I'll ask my mom tonight if she is okay with moving in with you guys, okay?" Zoe doesn't hold back from pulling Troye back into a hug.

"And promise me something?" She questions softly, looking into his blue eyes. Troye hesitates but nods his head, telling her to go on. "Promise me you will talk to Jacob. And promise you won't shut your feelings out for him." She says to the younger boy.

"I can't promise anything Zoe, but I'll try." He replies. He didn't want to promise Zoe something he would break.




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