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Jacob parked his car in the driveway of his house, all the lights were off indicating that his mother wasn't home. He left out a sigh of relief, walking inside. His suspicions were correct when he opened the door to a silent house. Or so he thought.

Jacob walked into the kitchen, finding his mother with her head on the table and a bottle of scotch resting beside her. Jacob sadly sighed, a lump forming in his throat. He promised to himself he wouldn't cry, he had to stay strong for the sake of his mother. After all he was all she had left, his father running out on them once he realized he couldn't fix the problem he caused.

"Mom, hey wake up." He softly says rubbing her back. She didn't open her eyes, and this frightened Jacob. He knew one day she'd drink herself dead, and this frightened him to the point whenever she passed out drunk he would check on her multiple times just to make sure she still was breathing.

"Jacob is that you?" She groggily says, lifting her head up to see the presence. When she saw it was her son she began to cry, Jacob knew she hated when he saw her drunk. She felt as if she was letting her son down and teaching him the wrong things. "Honey I'm sorry." She sobs into her hands. The lump in Jacob's throat got tighter, his vision blurred with tears. But he wasn't going to let them fall in front of her.

Jacob pulled his mother into a hug, her body shaking with sobs. "It's okay mom." He mumbles holding her tightly, she just cried harder. Jacob's heart started to ache, he hated seeing his mother like this,  he couldn't see anything due to the tears that were forming in his eyes, blurring his vision.

His mother pulled away, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Jacob this is not okay," she sternly says, her tone frightened him. "I don't want you to come home to me like this all the time. You deserve so much better. So so much better," She says the tears in his eyes were threatening to fall, but he chocked them back trying his hardest not to cry. His mother continued to speak, her tone gave him a frightening chill, "I've been such a horrible mother to you, Jacob. I should be caring for you, it shouldn't be like this." She mumbles, grabbing the bottle of scotch, and taking a long gulp from the bottle. Jacob turned away from his mother, letting a tear fall down his face. He quickly wiped it away not wanted to make her more upset.

Jacob walked away from his mother, but before he left the kitchen he turned towards her in the doorway. "I love you, mom." She didn't reply back, she just sat blanking staring at the bottle of scotch, that was nearly empty. Jacob finally left the tears fall, his body shaking. He walked sluggishly to his room, wiping at his face trying to stop the hot tears that fell down his cheeks.

Jacob heaved for air, he could hardly breathe. He laid on his bed, sobbing into his hands. He couldn't stop shaking. His breathing was growing shallow by the second. He held on tighter to the bedsheets, he couldn't stop the tears nor control his breathing.

Breathe in, breathe out. He repeated to himself. It was no use, he couldn't calm down. Jacob felt his head pound against his skull, he winced in pain, trying to ease the sobbing to relief some of the pain in his head.

He squeezed his eyes shut tightly trying to breathe air into his lungs, but nothing but chocked sobs filled his body making him squeeze the bed sheets tighter.

Breathe in, Breathe out. Jacob repeated to himself till he was able to loosely squeeze the sheets.

Jacob sat up, wiping his eyes. He decided a walk probably might calm him down. Maybe a run would? He thought to himself grabbing his phone and a pair of headphones that he only used when he went on runs. He slipped his phone into his black hoodie pocket, walking down stairs.

He quickly checked on his mother, to find she was succumbed to another bottle of scotch that she had found. Jacob left out a huff of annoyance; wondering why he always believed his mother's empty promises. For the last several years she promised him she would stop drinking but of course that never happens. And Jacob was beginning to grow frustrated with his mother at this point, understanding bit by bit why his father had abandoned him.

Walking out the door, Jacob was hit with a breeze of cold air. The rain had started again, but it wasn't nearly as bad as earlier.

Jacob bopped his head to the beat of desire, feeling his worries drift for a bit. He watched the rain hit the pavement, grooving to the song. He felt embarrassed but sometimes he just had to let go and be worry free. Even if that meant dancing in the rain to years and years.

Jacob began to run, the rain getting harder. He cursed himself for not wearing a thicker jacket.

As he began to turn the corner he ran into something, well more of someone. Jacob quickly stumbled back, trying to regain his posture. "Watch where the fuck you're going!" He angrily spat at the person, unable to see them from under their umbrella. Jacob speed walked away— not even giving the person a chance to apologize–rolling his eyes in annoyance. He was annoyed with whom ever it was who ruined his run.

Jacob found himself at a park–no one was there at the park because of how harsh the rain was getting. Jacob wandered over to the swings, sitting down on one of the ones that weren't broken.

A presence joined him on the swing beside him, Jacob didn't have to look to know who it was. The way his stomach was churning and his hands were sweating he knew exactly who it was.

"I'm sorry." He says softly. Jacob looked over at him, surprised to hear the words falling from his lips.

"It's okay." Jacob lied. It really wasn't okay. How could it be okay? He had hurt him and Jacob didn't want to admit that.

"Jacob no it's not," He mumbles swinging his legs back. "I was selfish jacob." Jacob looked at him studying his futures; his eyes caught sight of his plump lips, and they stared into his beautiful eyes that he fell in love with.

"So selfish I destroyed a prefect friendship."

"Connor it's okay." He says almost inaudible for him to hear. Jacob grabbed Connor's soft hand squeezing it tightly, rubbing his thumb over his knuckle. "It's okay. I'm okay. We're okay. Okay?" He softly says getting up off the swing and pulling Connor into a tight hug.

"You promise?" He says looking up into his hazel eyes. Jacob looked down into his green eyes, smiling softly.

"I promise." He whispers kissing the top of Connor's head.


Don't attack me!!!!

I can just imagine the comments now omg.

Y'all thought it was Troye but y'all were wrong ooohh.


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