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Jacob's hand traced down his naked back, as the boy beside him left out small snores. He found himself tracing patterns on the boys naked back, smiling softly to himself when he would move into his touch. He had missed this feeling of his skin and the way his naked body felt pressed to his. He wanted to feel his lips pressed to his neck, like they were last night.

Jacob shielded his eyes as the morning sun shined brightly through the window the curtains barely able to hold the suns rays at bay, tinting the boys room a bright haze of colors. Jacob kisses the exposed skin above his chest, eliciting a pleasurable moan from his lips. "Mmhm Jacob." He groggily says, tugging on his hair. Jacob smirks into the exposed skin, nipping slightly.

"Connor shh." Jacob hushes him, sitting up and and putting a finger to his soft, but slightly chapped lips. Jacob started to think of Troye's lips while he looked at Connor's. He shook the thoughts away, pressing his lips to Connor's as he tried to get the image of Troye out of his brain.

"You should go." He mumbles pulling away. Connor pushes Jacob off of him, sighing softly. He knew this was a mistake but when he was in the heat of the moment everything just seemed so right. "This was a mistake." Connor mumbles mostly to himself. Jacob stands up from the bed, grabbing his clothes and slipping them on quickly.

His chest couldn't help but ache a bit, he had believed Connor's drunken words from last and was so stupid for coming home with him.

"I missed you Jacob. Really I did, you don't understand how much I missed having you as my best friend." Connor says. He had downed several shots minutes ago and the state he was in now was far from sober. "I'm so fucking sorry I fucked that up by liking you, i promise i won't let it get in the way of us." Connor says a tear falling from his eye. His drunken words were sober thoughts and Jacob couldn't help but want to accept the apology.

Jacob softly rubs Connor's back, trying to soothe the older boy. He just starts to sob harder. Jacob by now could tell he was drunk. "Con, lets get you home." He says grabbing the drink out of his hand and sitting it on the bar. Connor didn't put up a fight, he left Jacob drag him out of the night club, Jacob holding Connor to steady his stumbling feet.

The smell of Connor's cologne mixed with alcohol and sweat engulfed Jacob, hitting him in the face. He missed the scent of his cologne that he always wore.

The street lights shined down on Connor's face illuminating his futures. Jacob couldn't help but find his sober mind staring down at his lips that looked really inviting. He knew it was wrong to want to kiss him, but for some reason he wanted to. Maybe Jacob was drunk too.

Connor lightly tugged on Jacob's hoodie string, grabbing his attention. "Kiss me." He whispers lowly. Jacob hesitates, before leaning in. Connor now pressed to a near by fence. Jacob felt Connor's breathe hit his lips, the smell of vodka hit him and he nearly backed away, but he kept coming closer to Connor. Until finally the proximity was no longer existent.

Their lips crashed against each other. Both sharing a drunken kiss. If Jacob was thinking right now he knew he wouldn't be doing this. Especially with Connor.

Jacob pushed his tongue against Connor's mouth, asking for entrance. When he didn't grant him entrance he left out a groan. "Let's take this back to my place." Connor suggests in a whisper. Jacob kisses his ear, whispering an okay into his ear and kissing his earlobe.

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