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The smile wasn't falling from his face as Jacob constantly creaked stupid jokes that at the time weren't funny but Troye couldn't help but let the smile spill upon his lips, the straw between his mouth as Jacob babbled on about some joke that really wasn't funny at all but Troye found it adorable whenever he would pout his lips at him whenever he saw he wasn't laughing.

He liked this a lot. Yes he could feel the eyes of strangers burning into his head, but for once he didn't care. The only thing he cared about was Jacob and keeping him in his life.

Jacob stares into Troye's eyes both of their voices silent. No conversation was needed, this was their way of communication between one another.

"Your eyes are pretty," Jacob blurts out a blush coating his cheeks once he realizes what he had said. "S-sorry...um, I didn't, uh," Jacob says scratching the back of his head, his cheeks a rosy red. Troye smirks widely enjoying the effect he had the boy.

"Thank you," he muses tapping Jacob's nose with his fingertip, Jacob scrunches up his face moving away from the touch, a small giggle emitting from his lips as the blush starts to turn brighter and brighter by the second. "Your eyes are rather dazzling my dear." He smirks at him grabbing his hand and planting a soft kiss on his knuckles.

People's eyes were on the two which made Jacob tear his hand away from Troye, looking left and right to make sure no one saw the ordeal. It wasn't that Jacob was embarrassed. It was the fact he knew how empty minded some people could be and they didn't understand a lot of things.

Troye swallowed down the hurt he was starting to feel rise in his chest. He knew Jacob didn't mean to hurt his feelings, but damn did he have an effect on him.

The buzzing of Troye's phone brought him back to reality. It was a text from Zoe.

Did you take your medicine?

Troye ignores her text shutting off his phone entirely, smiling widely towards Jacob who shared the smile with him.

"What movie are we seeing?" Troye questions jacob who refused to inform on what they were seeing on the way here.

"You'll figure it out," he grins.


The pair find themselves in the back of the theater secluded from everyone else sitting in the theater. Troye was still clueless as to what they were seeing, he had tried countless times to get Jacob to tell him but he still wouldn't fall for his tricks not even the one where Troye begged to suck him off playing the no homo card right after he said it. No homo his ass.

"Jacob!" Troye whimpered his lips dangerously close to his neck. "I'm horny," he says innocence dripping from his tone. Jacob squirms in his seat gritting his teeth at the younger male, whispering for him to stop. Of course he didn't.

"Jacob," he hums his lips now pressed to his neck. "did you hear me?" he questions a smirk on his lips. Jacob squeezes his eyes shut, unable to breathe as he felt Troye's tongue lick a trail up his neck. "Jay," he whimpers again this time biting down on his neck roughly. Jacob's breath hitched as he attempted to pretend this wasn't effecting him.

"Troye," Jacob says in a warning tone but Troye didn't care to listen he continued to kiss Jacob's neck lifting the armrest that separated the two. He was now sat his outer thigh gracing Jacob's as he continued to assault his neck with his mouth.

Troye usually only ever was this horny when he stopped taking his medicine, which he had weeks ago due the effect Jacob had on him. He wanted to make him happy and even if that meant not taking the pills that turned him into a dick sometimes he would do it for him.

"Why're you so horny?" Jacob says his voice soft as he bit back a moan.

"No reason. You just make me really horny," Troye giggles against his neck.

Jacob all of the sudden pushes him away, wanting to take control. He wanted to make Troye feel the way he made him feel.

Jacob looks behind him, the two were hidden by the darkness of the theater, no one would be able to witness them if they kept quiet.

Jacob pushes Troye back, straddling his thighs on either side of seat.

"As much as I liked you torturing me, it's my turn baby," he mumbles into his ear so he was the only one able to hear him. He nibbles at his earlobe, then begins to kiss down his neck his kisses were feathery and light but Troye was still going crazy with his lips on him.

"That feels good," he whispers as Jacob's tongue lapped across his neck. Jacob being the asshole he was bit down on his neck making troye buck his hips into his crotch which made Jacob let out a throaty groan against his neck.

"That felt good too,"

The two weren't paying attention to the movie, nor the people around them all that mattered to them was each other. With their lips pressed to each other's skin and body touching all that mattered to them was the fact they were sharing the moment together.

As the credits to the movie started to roll Jacob moved back to his seat his eyes locking with Troye's as he smiled at him.

Before Troye could leave the theater, Jacob pushes him against the wall pinning his hands above his head so he couldn't touch him. His lips nibbled at his neck biting and sucking as he pressed the length of his body into Troye's, which made him let out a moan his nails digging into the skin of Jacob's wrists.

Jacob sucks at Troye's jaw for a moment before he kisses his lips passionately, he could taste the popcorn Troye and him had shared but didn't finish. He nibs at Troye's bottom lip asking for entrance when Troye, being the little fucking tease he was didn't grant him entrance he lets go of his wrists, letting them trail down the front of jeans. He lightly squeezes the growing bulge in his jeans making him moan giving Jacob access to slide his tongue into his mouth.

Before things could get more heated the door opens, startling the two apart.

"What the fuck Jacob!" Connor says his jaw dropping as he stares at the two a hurt look in his green eyes. Before Jacob could speak a word he was out the door tears running down his face.

Oh fuck.


Drama is coming next chapter kiddos! Just saying I might double update *wink wonk*


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