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Jacob couldn't admit it, but when he laughed at the idea of them being a couple it hurt. Of course he didn't tell Troye that, afraid he'd look stupid.

Jacob and Troye were sat close to each other, their outer thighs touching under the table. Jacob's stomach was going mad, he couldn't focus on anything but the boy beside him. And that fucking scared him.

A tray slams down on the table bringing the boys out of conversation. Tyler with a wide suggestive grin looks at the two wondering like everyone else was what changed between them.

Zoe waltz over to table, a hint of giddiness in her steps, "Troye, you won't guess who asked me out!" She practically yells a smile wide in her red lips.

Troye pretends to not know, drumming a finger on Jacob's thigh which he slapped away quickly.

"Jacob?" He says looking up at the hazel eyed boy a wide toothy grin spread out on his lips. "Was it Jacob?"

"No nitwit. Alfie fucking Deyes did," she happily squeals. "He came up to me in chem, and asked to be my partner," Zoe goes on with her story about Alfie, Jacob had lost all focus on the conversation distracted by Troye's hand that gripped his thigh and drew patterns in the material of his jeans. Resting his head on the table he closed his eyes, biting his lip. Jacob came to the conclusion he hated Troye when his fingers lightly traced the growing bulge in his pants.

Jacob wanting nothing more but for the Australian to stop touching him the way he was, but of course Jacob's body said otherwise–it liked the touch of Troye's it craved him. God was he fucked.

"Troye," he says in a warning tone, gritting his teeth. Jacob lifts up his head, staring at Troye, whom had an innocent smile on his lips but a mischievous glint in his blue eyes. "I'm going to the bathroom," he says removing Troye's hand from his thigh. "Be in there in five, you dick," he whispers only for Troye to hear.

Jacob stands up, his legs were shaking, but he managed to walk out of the cafeteria. Resting his head on a locker he rolls his shoulder forward a groan of frustration leaving his lips.

In the bathroom he splashes his face with water, staring at himself in the mirror. "He's just a friend," he tells himself, his green-hazel eyes shine back at him deceiving his words. He saw a glint of something in his orbs he couldn't quite decipher.

A knock on the door brought him out of his head, practically running towards the locked door, he opens it happy to see the ocean eyed boy he was slowly giving his heart to.

"Hey," Troye says his arms around Jacob's neck. Jacob's heart was going wild at just the simplest things this boy did, it scared him but the same time he was addicted to the drug of Troye Mellet, the boy who drew up so many walls around his past and present self. Jacob was determined to get past them, even if it took him time.

Resting his hands round Troye's petite waist, he pulled the small boy towards him capturing his lips in a tediously slow kiss, making the younger boy groan in frustration.

"Jacob, if you're going to tease me-," his words were cut short as Jacob's lips crashed into his, molding perfectly together with his.

Kissing Troye felt different from kissing anyone else, he actually felt something other than lust and need, what he was feeling right now was far from lust he felt affectionate, the world around him disappeared melting away just for a moment. Troye had such a huge effect on him it was almost as if he was a drug, a sickeningly sweet drug that made him want more. He craved the lips of Troye's, the simplest touch of him, he wanted it.

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