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Troye never thought he'd be skipping school with Jacob of all people. He had convinced himself all through the night previously that he never wanted to talk to the boy again. But here he was sitting in the passenger seat of his car, a deadly silence filling the air. The only noise that could be heard was the engine of Jacob's car and the passing cars that didn't take a second glance as they passed.

Troye fiddled with his fingers, staring nervously out the window. He was starting to regret making the offer to Jacob. He clearly didn't want to be in Troye's presence yet he seemed to keep his cool.

"Troye, do you happen to know the way to this goddamn aquarium." Jacob grumbles stopping the car at a redlight. Troye simply nods instructing Jacob to turn left with a point of his index finger. "Silent treatment?" Jacob rolls his eyes. Troye was growing frustrated with the boy.

"No I just don't like talking to assholes." Troye bitterly spits. Jacob shakes his head, a humorless chuckle emitting from his pink lips.

Jacob pulled over the car, parking it in front of the curb. He looked at Troye a huff of annoyance bubbling from his lips. "Listen if we want to be friends-,"

Jacob's words were cut off by the sound of bitter laughter. Troye shook his head, staring into his eyes. "We're not gonna be friends." He bitterly says sending a death glare towards Jacob's direction. "Only acquaintances. Not friends, you don't deserve that title." He spat gritting his teeth. Troye sometimes couldn't help his bitterness, it would spew out of him at random moments, making the people around him victims to his hatred.

Jacob glared at Troye his demeanor showed a blank stare, and a clenched jaw. "Well I feel the same." He blankly says starting the car again. "Now where to?" He roughly says his frustration with the Australian boy growing by the second.

Troye points straight ahead, "keep going straight." He mumbles. Troye felt like he was going to hurl any moment, his heart was pounding in his ears as he felt the bile rise. He wasn't going to actually be sick, he knew that, but the nervous feeling swirling around in his stomach made it hard for him not to believe that.

The car soon came to holt, stopping in front of the aquarium. Jacob looked around for a parking spot, which wasn't difficult to find considering only several cars occupied the parking lot currently.

Before Troye could open his door, Jacob quickly was at his side opening it for him. Considering Troye was in a different mood from the first time he did this, the Troye now seemed frustrated with Jacob and slammed the door shut, irritation running through his veins as he stared at an annoyed Jacob. "I can open a fucking door myself." Troye grumbles at Jacob. Stomping away, almost like a five year old would, Troye stands at the front of the aquarium waiting for a stunned Jacob to follow him.

"Troye why are you...you...ugh." He groans in frustration now standing a mere few inches away from Troye.

"Why am I a what? A dick? An asshole?" He questions dryly chuckling.

"Why are you acting like we can't be friends." He softly says avoiding his gaze. Troye knew exactly why he couldn't be friends with a boy like Jacob, he'd hurt him and he didn't want that. "We can if you fucking try." He grumbles lowly. Troye doesn't move, nor say a word. Jacob was right. If Troye just tried to make an effort they could at least try it out and see if it ends with one of them having their feelings hurt.

"Fine. Jesus christ, you're more difficult than I am." Troye bitterly chuckles stepping away from Jacob just a bit. "C'mon let's try this friend thing out." Troye rolled his eyes, turning around and walking into the aquarium. The ticket guy blankly stares at his phone not even paying attention to the customers.

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