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When Jacob sat in first period, he couldn't focus on anything but the thoughts swarming in his head. Everyone was talking, and he just sat scrolling through his phone, waiting for this long ass day to end.

Jacob heard the seat near him scrap, snapping him away from his phone. He curiously looked over towards the person sitting next to him. He noticed the person had very colorful hair right away. Then it clicked, it was one of the guys Troye was friends with.

"Hey you're new, right?" The guy questioned turning his attention towards Jacob. He nodded. "I'm Tyler Oakley. And you are?" He asks a smile on his lips.

"Jacob. Jacob Bixenman." He replies returning the smile. Tyler smirks knowingly, a smug look on his face. Jacob looked at him confused. "What dude? Do I have something in my teeth?" He says subconsciously licking his teeth to check if he had anything in them. Tyler laughed, shaking his head. "Then stop looking at me like that." Jacob grumbles, crossing his arms.

"You're cute. That's all." Tyler says. Jacob turns around, heat rushing to his cheeks. Usually he wouldn't get flustered from a compliment from a guy, but lately it's been different.

Once everyone was seated and the teacher finished taking roll call, everyone was allowed to talk freely and socialize. Jacob had no one to talk to considering he was new here and barely met anyone. He attempted to make conversation with Tyler but he was talking to a girl, who's name was Tana. She was a loud person, but so was Tyler. Jacob could hear their conversation from two rows away, which wasn't a very pleasant thing.

"His dick was huge Tana!" Tyler giggles. Jacob tries his best to tune them out, but they were so loud, not even the teacher was doing anything. "I could barely suck his-," before Tyler could finish, Tana broke out into loud laughter. "It's not funny Tan." Tyler pouts.

"It kinda is. His dick was too big for your mouth." She giggles, hitting the desk with her hands. Tana chocked on her saliva, coughing and laughing at the same time. The sight was funny to see. Everyone had their eyes glued to Tana considering she was causing such a ruckus. The teacher glared at the pair, giving them a silent warning to calm down.

"Jacob, come over here." Tyler calls out his name, pointing a finger at him. Jacob points to himself mouthing 'me' and Tyler nods. Jacob stands up, the chair scrapping on the floor when he pushed it back. People watched him as he walked over to Tyler and Tana. Everyone here knew he was the new guy, and that gave him a new reputation. One he never had.

Jacob sat in front of the pair, avoiding eye contact, which made the tension more awkward and even more visible.

"I'm Jacob." He says holding out a shaky hand for Tana. Something about this girl made him nervous, he didn't know what it was but it just did.

"Tana." She smirks, bitting her bottom lip. Jacob looked away from her. Looking down at his phone, trying to discreetly look at the time. He wanted to get out of this class already, he actually wanted this day to be over.

Drowning in the need to get out of this hell hole, Jacob zoned in and out of the conversation, trying his best to stay on the topic they were on just in case they asked him something. His thoughts were consuming him, today they just won't shut the hell up and leave him alone for once.

The sound of his name being called multiple times snapped him out of his daze. He looked towards the voice and saw it was Tana, he sighed.

"Where are you from?" Tana questions, scooting her chair as close as it possibly could get. Jacob sat frozen.

"C-California. San Francisco to be exact." Jacob stutters, his mouth feeling dry and his body feeling hot. He noticed Tyler was gone and that bothered him. "Where's Tyler?" He questions.

Tana points out to the hall, but doesn't give him an answer, she only keeps moving closer to him, which honestly is making him uncomfortable and not in the good way.

"You're hot, not many hot guys get transferred here. Ya know that?" She flirtatiously grins. She was so close to Jacob their knees were touching. Jacob scooted away from her as much as possible trying to give the girl a hint or so. But nothing seemed to click.

Jacob shakes his head, unable to answer her. Tana's hands began to trail up his thigh, Jacob quickly jumps away. Standing up, Tana looks at him with a frown on her lips, disappointed she didn't get the reaction she usually got.

"I...um...uh...gotta pee?" Jacob says picking up his bag, almost as if he was questioning what he was saying. He rushed out of the class room. Running down the hall. He searched for the bathroom, unable to find it. He still wasn't used to the school. He leaned against a locker dropping his bag to the floor, hyperventilating he tried to get air into his lungs but it felt like he was drowning. He heard foot steps echo down the hallway but he couldn't focus. His thoughts were drifting else where keeping from reality.

"Are you okay?" Tyler questions not knowing it was Jacob at the time. When he noticed it was him. He rushed to him. Trying to slow down his breathing. "Breath in through your nose, and let it out through your mouth." Tyler repeatedly says, standing next to him and patting his back.

Jacob left out a few shaky breathes, finally calming down from the anxiety that rushed over him. It wasn't from Tana's actions, if he was any other guy he would fall for that shit. But he wasn't. He was a guy with a lot of shit in his past and with that shit he carried a lot of secrets with it, some darker than others.

Tyler and Jacob don't talk. They just lean against the locker, focusing on the sounds in the hallway. It was calming, and that helped Jacob. He didn't like to make conversation after an anxiety attack, because usually the person not having the anxiety attack likes to ask you questions about what happened. He didn't, he preferred to disclose that information and keep it to himself.

The bell rang and the hallways filled with kids, Tyler and Jacob still didn't move. Jacob was glued to his spot, unable to calm himself down now.

"C'mon bud." Tyler says dragging him down the hall. Jacob adjusts the bag onto his shoulder, holding onto the strap tightly. Tyler patted his back, giving him a piteous look, one everyone seemed to give him. "Wanna eat lunch with me?" Tyler questions walking into his next class which happened to be Jacob's next class also.

"Sure, yeah." He smiles taking the seat beside Tyler.

"Dude that's my seat!" A voice calls, Jacob quickly looked up smirking. Troye rolled his eyes. "Get up. I sit here. There's plenty of other empty seats." Troye says tapping his foot impatiently. Jacob didn't move, which seemed to bother Troye even more. "God I thought I could stand you but I guess not." He says purposely hitting Jacob in the head with his bag. Jacob fixes his hair turning around and waving at Troye, who flips him off.

Tyler was sat in a fit of giggles at the scene, unable to stop laughing, Jacob kicked him making him yelp in pain.

"You and Troye?" Tyler wiggles his eyebrows a smirk on his lips. Jacob laughs bitterly, but he couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach.

He shook his head. "I'm not gay, dude. And I don't think he is either." Jacob says motioning his head towards Troye, who was sat in the back his headphones around his neck as he listened to some music.

"You never know." Tyler says.

Before Jacob could question him class started, he wanted to ask him what he meant but he honestly didn't want to.

Did that mean Troye was gay? What the hell was Tyler talking about?





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