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The sound of music blared from his white headphones, as he leaned back on the chair, humming softly. he tried his best to block out the loud chatter going on around him. But people didn't know how to shut up. He was sat alone, waiting for his friends to arrive. Like usually they took ages to get here.

Troye leans back on his chair farther, trying to distract himself from his thoughts. He was having a difficult time doing that. He had no one around him to distract him but the people sitting tables away. He didn't even want to look at them.

Troye's chair was pushed down on all fours, he looked to the prick who scared the shit out of him by doing this. He suppressed punching the person he saw, considering he was standing with Tyler. Jacob, the guy he had met early, was the ass who scared Troye. He thought after talking to Jacob they would get along, but, his bad boy attitude was a little outrageous and annoyed Troye to the point he wanted to punch the new guy in the face.

"Go sit somewhere else." Troye groans, moving his headphones around his neck. Jacob rolls his eyes, but doesn't say anything.

Troye noticed from the looks of it Tyler had taken a liking to Jacob, which annoyed Troye even more. He clenched his fist under the table, trying his best to mask his annoyance with a blank stare.

Zoe slammed her tray down on the table, catching everyone's attention. Troye looked over at his friend, to see her eyes were set on something. He followed to where they were looking and found Alfie making out with Andrea Russett, Kian Lawley's ex. This angered Troye, he had thought Alfie liked Zoe, but the dick was leading her on.

"You don't need him, Zoe." Troye rubs her back soothingly. Everyone was back to their own conversations, ignoring each other. "He isn't worth it. Don't let him hurt you." He says. Zoe nods, not trusting herself to speak.

"I-I just believed for so long he liked me, but I guess he was just leading me on. Ya know? I hate boys." She sighs pushing her tray away, and resting her head on the table. Troye kept his hand on her back, trying to soothe her from the feelings. "Isn't that the guy you were talking to today?" She questions laying her chin on her arm. She looked over at Jacob and Tyler, who seemed to be lost in conversation.

Troye nodded his head, avoiding the look Zoe gave him. He sank into his seat, trying to make himself invisible.

"Talk to him then." Zoe whispers kicking Troye in the shin. He bites his lip in pain, trying to hide the fact that Zoe kicking him had him in pain. He had to save some of his Manly pride.

"No. We don't even get along! He hates me and I am starting to actually hate him." Troye whisper yells. Zoe kicks him again. "Fine only because that kick hurt."

Troye looked over at Jacob studying him. He noticed how he would smile, and lean back when he did so. He noticed the hazel color of his eyes and how they lit up bright when he smiled. Troye shook himself out of his thoughts, focusing on Jacob and Tyler.

"Hey...um...uh Jacob sorry for being a dick this morning. No hard feelings bro?" Troye says holding out a hand for Jacob to shake. Jacob ignored Troye, making him groan in annoyance.

"If you think that's an apology you must be stupid." Jacob spits out, glaring at Troye. His blood now was boiling, something about Jacob seemed to piss him off right away, he didn't know what it was but he just wanted to punch him in the face right now.

"And if you think you can come in here and be a dick you must be stupid. I'm trying to apologize, dumbass. Jesus, go fuck yourself, Jake," Troye crosses his arms, an angry pout on his face. Everyone at the table was quiet, no one talked they only listened to Troye and Jacob bicker like five year olds.

Troye happily sighed when the bell for seventh period rang. He quickly gathered his stuff and rushed out of the cafeteria. No one called after him, seeing as they were on their way to class and needed to be there on time.

The hallways were filled with teenagers walking to their next class. Troye avoided running into anyone, speed walking down the hallway. Breathing heavily Troye walked into drama, this class was Troye's favorite ever since the start of high school.

Miss Hart was stood in the front of the room, her red hair pulled into a ponytail. Troye noticed she had papers sitting on all the chairs. He knew that meant they had an assignment today, which made him really excited.

Troye heard the door open and the rest of the class enters taking their seats, their was one extra chair that Troye didn't seem to notice. A boy with brown hair came running into the room, just as the bell rang. Miss Hart had her back turned so she didn't see nor hear him enter a second late.

"Has class started?" He questions tapping his fingers on his thigh nervously. His green eyes widened in fear as he looked around the room to see people already doing their assignment.

"No. You're okay." Troye whispers to him, giving him a smile. The boy smiled back nervously his lips quivering slightly. "I'm Troye. Is it your first day here?" Troye questions looking at him, he didn't look familiar, nothing seemed to click.

"We have chemistry together. I'm Connor. Connor Franta." He says. The name doesn't match any faces, he ranked his brain trying to remember a Connor in his chemistry class. "You don't know me don't stress I was always shy." He awkwardly laughs. It bothered Troye that he didn't know Connnor, yet they shared a class together. He must've heard his name somewhere but he just can't remember.

"I'll be sure to remember you now." Troye says smiling softly at him. They continue with their assignment an awkward tension in the atmosphere.





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