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As the days turn into weeks there was still a silence between troye and jacob. The two haven't spoken since their fight, neither of the two wanted to cave in and apologize a second time.

Jacob's mother was yet again drunk, a bottle of alcohol in her hands. Jacob's was afraid it was going to fall out of her light grasp and shatter like last time. Jaocb without force pulls the bottle out of her weak grip, sitting it on the counter away from her reach. With shaky hands he runs his hands through his black curls that rest on the top of his head. he resembled his mother a lot it was starting to scare him, he had the same color hair as her, same nose, their personalities were scarily similar it frightened Jacob.

His mother stares up at him, her brown eyes burning into his. that was the only trait he seemed to lack, instead he looked at her with his green-hazel eyes, watching as hers brimmed with tears.

"Mom don't cry," Jaocb whispers softly, kneeling in front of his mother. She looked away from him staring off into the darkness of the living room. Jacob didn't know where her mind was but he had a clue it wasn't in a good place at the moment in time. "Mom please." Jacob pleas, watching her face contort into a frown of pain. Jacob feels a tightness around his throat as he watched his mother break again.

When there was nothing you could do in your power to help the people you care about it made you feel useless and almost like you had no power to help them. Jacob has always felt that way since his mother started heavily drinking, he knows he can't help her because the more he tries the more he breaks and the more he hides from people.

Jacob needed to get out of this house, he had been locked inside forcing himself to help his mother, he hadn't even been to school in a mere five days, due his mother getting bad again. He knew this would happen, even if they were in a new town and she promised to get help–he knew it wouldn't happen.

Jacob stood up from his kneeling position, dusting off his black skinny jeans, his mother with hazy eyes looked up at him silently asking what he was doing. Jacob didn't answer he grunts in frustration, grabbing his keys from the table.

"Jay, don't leave me," she hiccups her voice slurring from the effect of the alcohol. "I...I promise I'll try for you." She says desperation clear in her voice. She didn't want to be alone when she was in this state of mind, she knew from past experiences she would likely do something stupid.

Jacob sighs, not listening to his mother's begging. He slammed the front door, trying to ignore the sound of her pleas.

The outline of the sky started to fill with clouds indicating that it was possibly going to rain soon. Jacob had learned that it rained quite a lot here, but he didn't mind the rain he actually liked it, he enjoyed it more of. There wasn't many things Jacob liked but he found himself liking rain.

Jacob didn't get in his car, he shook his head walking to the backdoor of his car and grabbed his black hoodie just in case it had started to rain. It was in the middle of winter, Jacob had thought it would be snowing harshly but of course it was doing the exact opposite of what he had thought.

Deciding to walk to Tyler's, he pulled out his phone and sent his friend a text informing him he was on his way. Jacob had learned Tyler's house was only a mere twenty minutes away from his own house. Jacob's

Jacob's phone buzzed with a text he pulls out his phone inwardly groaning at himself for deciding to go Tyler's. He was already near his house and it would be pointless to walk back.

Okay but Troye's here.

Jacob hasn't even spoken a word to Troye since the day they had decided to skip school together, Jacob had thought maybe Troye would apologize first but of course he was wrong. Jacob wasn't going to be the first to apologize he knew that none of this was his fault.

When he knocked on the door, he leaned on the frame slipping a cigarette into his mouth. He also came to realize this was a nervous habit of his, he would always find himself anxiously chewing on a cigarette, trying to calm down the anxiety going on in his head.

The person he didn't want to see at all answered the door, his smile flattering. Jacob liked his smile, he thought to himself. The quick second he saw it he liked it.


"Troye." Jacob mimics the cigarette moving up and down as he said his name.

"What are you doing here?" Troye questions, his tone full of confusion. He doesn't allow Jacob in, he stands between the entrance blocking it.

Jacob rolls his eyes, "Tyler is my friend too." He pushes through Troye, his feet stumbling as Jacob knocks him off his balance. Jacob walks into the living leaving a very confused and now pissed off Troye standing by the open door, his mouth wide open as he watches Jacob navigate his way through Tyler's house.

Tyler sat in the living room accompanied by a smiling Zoe when she saw Jacob walk into the room taking the seat Troye had previously occupied her smile fell a bit knowing there was going to be tension between the two.

Troye walks into the room, spotting Jacob sitting in the seat he was sitting in a few minutes ago.

"That's my seat."

"There are plenty of other seats."

Troye glared at him sending daggers his way, "I was sitting there first. Tyler tell him." Troye says, he sounded more of a five year old than an seventeen year old. Jacob couldn't help but chuckle to himself at how ridiculous he was being.

"Just share the goddamn seat," Tyler says rubbing his temple, the bickering between the two obnoxious boys making it worse. "It's a seat made for two, Troye your ass isn't that big." Tyler glares at him.


Troye leaves out a grunt, rolling his glaucous eyes at Jacob. Just like Jacob, he had been hoping it would be longer before they saw each other again, but having the same friends made it hard to avoid each other.

"Move over."

"Stop hogging the chair."

"Go sit somewhere else." Jacob crosses his arms, the two bickered back and forth, not ever finding something wrong with something the other did.

A suggestion that Tyler made, caused both of the boy's to stop bickering and swallow in fear. "Caspar's having a party at his house tonight, anyone wanna accompany me?"

A party wasn't something in Jacob's comfort zone, but the words that spill out of his mouth surprise him. Maybe it was the desire to just forget for a little while and not have to worry about everything or maybe it was the fact Troye was getting on his nerves.

"I wanna get wasted tonight." And indeed he did.




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