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Knocking softly on the red door, Troye left out a sigh. Slipping the white headphones around his neck. His eyes burned from the amount of crying he had done for the past two hours, his throat also had burned from the sobs that ached from his chest.

Once the sky turned grey and the rain turned into a slight drizzle, Troye snuck out of his room. He soon would find himself walking to the house he always went to when he needed comfort or when his little brother couldn't give him enough of it.

Immediately Zoe opened the door, pulling Troye into her arms. He couldn't help but let out a weak sob, choking on his words. "H-he hit me again Zoe." He sobs into her shoulder, she being much shorter than him made the situation a little difficult.

Zoe rubbed Troye's back feeling the sobs shake from his body. She felt her throat tighten, not liking the fact she couldn't help her friend. "It's okay Troye." She whispers softly pulling away. They walk to her room in silence, all that could be heard was Troye's sniffles.

Troye laid on her bed when they entered the room, burying his face deep into the comforter. He was frustrated with everything all of the sudden. He was frustrated with everything he seemed to do wrong.

Troye felt a hand rub his back soothingly. He attempted to smile, but he left his emotions gets the best of him, his smile falling quickly.

"Have you talked to Jacob?" Zoe questions attempting to change the topic to something else. The mention of his name slightly tugs a smile on his lips. But it falls when he remembers they hated each other.

"No." I spit bitterly, rolling over on my side to face Zoe. "I don't want to talk to that prick." He say looking down at Zoe's floral patterned comforter.

Zoe chuckles to herself rolling her blue eyes at me. "You like him. Don't you?" Zoe smirks at Troye. His eyes widen in horror but go back to normal. He did not like Jacob–he wasn't even gay–and here Zoe was assuming he liked a guy, he actually despised.

Troye shakes his head feverishly, nearly choking on the saliva he had swallowed by accident. "Zoe I'm not gay, and if I was what makes you think I'd go for Jacob?" He questions the smirking girl in front of him.

"Well first off he's good looking and from Tyler I heard he has an amazing body. Six pack and all!" She gushes. Troye tried his hardest not to imagine a shirtless Jacob and what he would look like if Troye ever got to see him shirtless. No homo, Troye.

"Maybe Tyler, could hook you two up." Troye smirks, Zoe rolls her eyes hitting his arm softly. "He's not gay so I think he's available." He says wiggling his eyebrows. Zoe hits him harder this time, making him wince slightly from the slap.

"You never know Troye." she says looking at him. Her words at the time had no sense of meaning what so ever but soon they would.

Troye stood up from Zoe's bed, walking over to her window. The rain had started yet again and the sky was much darker.

"I wanna go for a walk. Come with." He pulled on Zoe's small hand, she giggles at him, standing up. Before they left her room she made sure to grab her umbrella and a coat.

"Wait outside for me while I look for my phone." She says handing Troye the umbrella. He nods slipping his white headphones onto his head. He walks down stairs and leaves out a huff of relief.

The rain trickles down harshly, hitting the umbrella loudly. But Troye couldn't hear how loud it was because mind games was playing at the highest volume, blaring from his headphones. He watched rain drops fall from the umbrella–some were big–and others were small when they fell to the ground.

Troye sighed loudly, starting to walking away from Zoe's house. But just as he was walking a figure collided with him, causing him to stumble back slowly, and nearly fall in his ass. "Watch where the fuck you're going!" He angrily spat at Troye. Once he regained his posture he took off in the other direction and didn't even give Troye a second glance. Troye rolled his eyes in annoyance stepping back and deciding to wait a little longer for Zoe.

Just as he was about to pull up her number and call her, she emerges from the front door, waving her phone in the air. "Let's go." She says running towards Troye and standing under the umbrella with him.

The two walked down the street, neither listening to the two. They were both too caught up in their own little worlds. The silence that surrounded them was a comfortable one, the type you have with your best friend when your just lost in thought and appreciating things around you.

Troye was lost not in just what was going on around him, but he was lost in the thought of Jacob. He tried to shake them away, but he couldn't. He thought about him shirtless for a majority of the time, trying to make the thoughts go away. No homo, Troye.

"Troye, are you gonna at least apologize to him?" She questions snapping Troye out of his current thoughts. He looked at Zoe and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"If it makes you shut up about him I might." He sarcastically spits gritting his teeth. Zoe hits his arm with her knuckle practically making him stumble a bit.

She fake chuckles, rolling her eyes for the millionth time at Troye. "You hurt his feelings Troye. Don't play dumb. I talked to Tyler." She says. Troye felt a rush of guilt hit him, he knew he had pissed him off but he didn't know he had hurt him with what he had said this morning.

"I'll apologize. But that's it." He says squeezing righting onto the umbrella. Zoe nodded, a smile forming on her lips. "And do not take this as a sign that I want to be his friend. I only feel bad for being a dick to him." Troye says to Zoe. She nods her head, a smug smirk on her lips.

"You'll end up being friends watch." She chuckles softly. Troye rolls his eyes kicking a puddle of water. The water splashes all over Zoe's feet which makes her in return turn and slap his shoulder. "That wasn't nice!" She squeals pouting softly, Troye giggles rolling his eyes at the same time.

"Stop assuming things then." He grumbled.

"I'm not assuming anything. It's called trusting your instincts." She says pointing to her head. Troye rolls his eyes.

Troye turns towards Zoe, standing in front of her looking her dead in the eye. "Well your instincts are wrong."


Y'all wanna kill me? I think you do
More surprising shit to come (;


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