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Troye hasn't seen Jacob all day. Troye was wondering why he was affected by his words. It wasn't like they got along any other time. Troye just wondered why his words made him storm off today.

Troye was almost esthetic when he saw Connor, but something was putting a damper on his mood. Connor attempted to have a conversation with him. But Troye just nodded pretending he was listening.

"Troye, you okay? You zoned out for a while." Connor giggles softly. Troye looked at him sighing. "Is everything okay?" He questioned.

Troye nodded, focusing on their current assignment. He didn't understand one word the paper said, usually Troye was always the one who understood the assignment. Today his brain couldn't focus properly.

Troye felt his anxiety start to rise as the words started to become a blur on the sheet he was holding. He rushed out of the room, sighing loudly when he was able to catch his breath. He walked down the hallway, looking for the nearest bathroom. He pushed the door open, leaning against it when he noticed he was alone.

Troye's body started to shake with sobs, he couldn't figure out why he was upset, but he had gotten used to this happening. He didn't like how his mood could switch so easily. It was as if his emotions had a switch and when he didn't know it one switched on and the other turned off.

A tear fell down his cheek as he banged his head in the door, trying to feel pain. His body felt numb, cold and detached. He didn't feel like himself. Yet again he hasn't felt like himself in years.

Troye gasped for air, holding his head in his hands. He didn't know what was happening.

A soft knock on the door snapped Troye out of his daze. He didn't want to open the door because he knew it was probably someone who wanted to use the bathroom. The knocking didn't stop though. Troye grew annoyed by the person. He stood up dusting himself, and unlocked the door.

Zoe stood in the other side, a worried look in her eyes. When she noticed that Troye was crying she pulled him into his arms, trying to soothe his cries.

"shh, it's okay Troye." she says in a calming tone. Troye's body started to shake with more sobs. "Breathe, take one breath in and let the other out." She says softly, rubbing his back encouragingly.

Troye slowly took several slow breaths in, his thoughts starting to go haywire. Everything always was his fault and he hated that. He wanted people to stop putting the blame on him for once, but they never do.

"It's all my fault." he whispers a tear falling down his face. He gulped down the lump that formed in his throat, trying his best not to cry harder. Zoe held him tighter, trying to stop the boy from breaking again. She had seen him break before and that day was the worst of them all.

"Jacob leaving wasn't your fault." she assures him, running her fingers through his hair, remembering this calmed him down just a bit.

Troye left out a sob, curling up into a ball. "Not him, Zo. Everything that's happened to me is all my fault. Why can't I stop fucking up?" he sobs chocking on his words.

Zoe didn't know what to say, she just stayed with him, trying to get the tears to stop.

Troye just wanted to go home and lay in his bed away from everything but home was also a bad place for him. Yelling and beer bottles would be thrown during the night, keeping him up late and sobbing as he tried to will the yelling away with his headphones. He wished it all would end but it never does.

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