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A special chapter for you fam

Jacob hummed to the shitty music playing from the speakers, his body subconsciously swaying. (When Jacob arrived to Caspar's party he had made a beeline straight to the kitchen, drinking as many shots that were handed to him). Bodies moved around him but his thoughts couldn't focus, he could hardly form a coherent sentence.

A body crashes into his giving no care to apologize, making him stumble forward his feet ungracefully slipping under his, his drink comes flying out of his grip the person he fell into being the target.

"What the fuck!" Troye yells anger evident in his tone. Jacob just chuckles his thoughts too jumbled to focus. "Y-you ruined my shirt, you dickhead." He pouts looking down to the red stain that was splatted all over his creamy white shirt.

A giggle tumbles from Jacob's lips and Troye glares at him, "I'm sorry," he says not even speaking about the shirt. He was speaking more of what happened between them. "I'm so sorry. I overreacted last week." Jacob mumbles, it was obviously the effect of the alcohol making him apologize.

Troye didn't say anything, he grabbed Jacob's red solo cup sitting it on the counter behind him, Jacob too distracted by his drunken thoughts just stared at his ocean eyes lost in his thoughts.

His eyes are beautiful, just the right color of blue. His current thoughts made a wide grin grow on his face, maybe it was the effect of the alcohol or maybe it was his sober thoughts he pushed far to the back of his mind.

Before Troye and Jacob could continue conversation a girl Jacob couldn't remember, but apparently she was in his homeroom, pulled on his arm trying to get his attention.

Jacob turns to the blonde girl, remembering her as the girl Tyler introduced him to his first day here.

"Hey, Jacob. I couldn't help but notice you're standing here all alone," She says not even acknowledging Troye's presence. Tana stood dangerously close to him, Jacob breathing in her scent of jasmine and alcohol. His intoxicated thoughts were drunk off the smell of her; craving more.

Jacob steps back, backing himself into a wall. Tana rest her perfectly filed acrylic nails on his bicep. Taking in a sharp exhale he watched as her fingers trailed on his arm, resting on his collarbone. Jacob was growing uncomfortable, even drunk he didn't like Tana touching him. But his mind was too intoxicated to think straight. Thoughts left his mind, each time a new one entered saving room for his drunk thinking.

Tana's lips were dangerously close to his, each time she would whisper something he could feel their lips touch. And maybe it the intoxication, but when their lips touched he felt nothing. He didn't feel anything.

Jacob felt like he was going to be sick, this didn't feel right. He didn't like the feeling of her lips near his. Bile started to rise as his thoughts grew louder, and her lips grew closer.

Jacob knew what was coming next, yet he never moved away from Tana.

"What the fuck!" Tana yells catching the attention of the crowd, she rushes off a disgusted look on her face as she screeches about the smell of vomit surrounding her and now masking her jasmine scent. Jacob rushed towards the nearest place he could think of that he could empty the remnants of his stomach. Running into a few hard bodies here and there he finally made it to the upstairs bathroom that wasn't allowed to be used according to Caspar when they arrived.

Leaning over the toilet he lets the remnants of tonight come up, followed by a whimper when the vomiting started to hurt his throat.

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