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Jacob pushes against troye, gripping his outer thigh, with tender hands. Troye couldn't believe this was happening. His brain wanted him to push Jacob off of him and run, but he couldn't seem to find the strength in him. Intoxicated by the feeling of Jacob's lips on his.

Jacob takes Troye's lip between his teeth, biting down on it softly. Arching his back, Troye tugs on Jacob's hair at the nape of his neck.

I need to push him away. But fuck when he kisses me like that I can't do it. Troye thought to himself having an argument with himself has the length of Jacob's body pushed into his. Jacob was massaging his rough but soft to the touch palms on the outer of his thighs,

Troye was hard, and wanting Jacob. His mind wondered to places that made his penis more erect. Troye was so confused as to why a male was giving him a boner in the first place.

But god did the way Jacob touch him have an effect on him.

"Jacob," Troye pushes him away, not allowing him to meet his lips with his. "I-I... what are we doing?"

Jacob's swollen lips purse in a thin line, "I don't fucking know. But jesus christ I like it." He says connecting their lips again.

Troye doesn't kiss back, pushing him away, a stern look on his face. "I thought you weren't gay?" Troye questions remembering the first thing he had ever said to him.

Jacob runs a hand through his black hair, his hoodie coming up slightly and revealing his toned stomach, Troye gulped turning away a blush on his cheeks.

"Troye, I don't fucking know!" Jacob says a shakiness to his voice. "I-I'm confused, what it's not okay to be confused?" He glares at Troye sitting on the edge of the tube, he puts his hands in his hair shaking his head back and forth.

"Kiss me," Troye mumbles catches him and Jacob off by surprise. "Fuck, I...uh,mean do you want to kiss me?" Troye awkwardly questions a scarlet blush tinting his cheeks, he stares at his swaying feet gulping down his anxieties.

With a light touch, Jacob tips Troye's chin up so he's now staring into his beautiful hazel orbs that had specks of green and brown behind them.

"I'll gladly kiss those beautiful lips of yours, baby,"

Jacob catches Troye's lips with his in a soft kiss. Jacob's hands framed either side of Troye's thigh while Troye's framed around his broad shoulders. These simple actions felt so right, neither of the two wanted to admit that though because the truth was something they feared.

A soft giggle leaves Jacob's lips as Troye grazes over his ticklish spot–near his shoulder blade and neck. Troye smiles against Jacob's lips purposely touching the area of his neck.

"Troye," Jacob groans against his lips, their mouths pulled apart as more giggles left both of the boys mouth.

"Jacob," he mimics a smirk on his lip. Their lips touch for a moment as Troye smiles but not long enough, just enough for Troye to feel his stomach to erupt with butterflies and his body go still for a moment forgetting how to think.

Jacob moves Troye's hands from around his neck pinning them above his head, "don't do that," he lowly says kissing Troye's lips for a second teasingly.

Troye smirks at the older boy, "Do what, Bix?" He impishly grins a mischievous glint in his blue orbs, Jacob saw it smirking to himself.

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