Effects of Loss

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Seirin lost the winter cup to Rakuzan. The defeat was hard on all of them, but it took the worst toll on Kuroko. The team knew how important it had been to him to win that match and they knew he was suffering. Over the next two months, his skin was paler, his body got thinner and thinner till his bones could be seen, he always had bags under his eyes, he almost never spoke anymore, and everything he did became robotic. He even ditched class sometimes and sat out during practice. His face remained even more blank and unreadable than before, if that was even possible. Different team members had tried to speak to him, but it didn't do any good. By the third month they all knew they couldn't let this go on. Aida had sent Kuroko home three days ago after seeing how he was so weak he could barely stay standing long. No one had heard from him since and he wouldn't answer his phone. Needless to say, they were beginning to get worried.

"Kagami! Can you come here a sec?" Aida called to Seirins ace. Kagami ran over as requested.

"What's up coach?"

"Have you still not heard from Kuroko?"


"Do you think you could go to his place and check up on him? You know how he has been since winter cup....I'm worried something might have happened. He might have....." She couldn't finish that sentence. It had only been a few days and normally she would never think it was possible, but remembering how Kuroko had looked last, she wasn't so sure. Kagami surprisingly didn't need her to finish to understand what she meant. He agreed immediately.

"I don't know where he lives though.."

"Here," Aida pulled out a piece of paper with an address on it, "I convinced the school to give me his address. Assuming it's correct and up to date, this should be where he lives."

Kagami nodded and turned to head back to practice.

"Wait, Kagami."

"Huh? Is there something else?"

"Uhm...I know it might sound strange...but do you think you could go now?"

"You mean actually leave practice early?!" He raised his voice in surprise and Aida quickly shushed him.

"I just have a really bad feeling...call it womens intuition if you will."

It was strange to leave practice early and even stranger for Riko to be the one to suggest it, but Kagami agreed and headed towards the locker room to change and head out.

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