Suicide Watch

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Akashi had just slipped in the door as Kagami was finishing wiping up the spilled water. Everyone looked up at the sound of the door closing. Kagami quickly excused himself deciding he would give the others some time alone after seeing the Rakuzan captains face. Cautiously and slowly, Akashi moved towards the boy in the bed. Unsure of how Kuroko would react to seeing him, he didn't want to frighten him.

"Ak...." The blue haired boy coughed. "Akashi...."

Akashi was at the side of the bed now and looking into Kuroko's blue eyes. Kuroko's hand clumsily fished around for Akashi's hand before establishing a weak grip on it. Aomine already held his other hand. A few tears rolled down Kuroko's cheek as he rested his eyes.

"I....I'm" It was a barely a whisper. Akashi shook his head as the others showed they clearly wanted to protest as well. Akashi bent down and hugged Kuroko gently...hating that he could feel the boys spine and ribs through the thin gown easily.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Tetsuya. I'm sorry. We are all sorry. Please forgive us." Akashi knew he had no right to ask for forgiveness and he didn't deserve it, but was still relieved when he felt Kuroko's head nod. He unwrapped the boy from his arms and laid him back down gently, noticing how the small body trembled.

"Are you cold?"

Kuroko nodded. Akashi took his coat off and placed it on top of his friend, careful not to disturb the tubes and wires.

"Is it okay if I sit on the bed with you?" Akashi asked. Normally he would just give orders and absolutes, but right now he didn't want to upset Kuroko. To his relief, Kuroko nodded. Akashi gently shifted him over and climbed on to the bed. Akashi wasn't very big himself, so there was plenty of room for both of them. Kise decided to hop onto the end of the bed near Kuroko's feet. Murisakabara and Midorima sat in the chairs on the empty side of Kuroko.

"If we are all close together you won't feel so cold right Kurokocchi!?"

Kuroko nodded to Kise feeling warmer than he had in quite a while and was thankful. Without a second thought, he rested his head against Akashi's side before closing his eyes and drifting back to sleep. He wasn't sure how, but he was grateful that Akashi seemed to be more like his old self again. It didn't make him less of a failure, but whatever or whoever accomplished the task of bringing Akashi back, he would have to thank later.

The next day, the doctor reluctantly released Kuroko from the hospital. Midorima helped Kuroko change into some regular clothes Akashi had brought (since they were closest in height) fighting against the tears that threatened to spill over at seeing his ex-teammates body. He wasn't as close to Kuroko as some of the others so he figured it wouldn't be as hard for him to see. It still hurt. It took some time to finish since the blue haired boy wouldn't move. He just stared out the window allowing Midorima to move him around like a doll.

Akashi was listening to the doctor and Tetsuyas psychiatrist explain important information he would need to know to take care of Kuroko. He wasn't going to put Kuroko in a mental hospital. He wasn't going to abandon his friend again...he wouldn't abandon the one he had come to love.

By noon, Kuroko had been discharged and he, Akashi, Midorima, and Aomine were in one of Akashi's limos on the way to the red haired teens home on the edge of Tokyo (His family had houses in several cities). Aomine and Midorima sat on either side to help keep Kuroko steady and keep him warm as well. Akashi had noticed it didn't take much for Kuroko's skin to get cold and his small body to begin shivering. Keeping a warm body next to the smaller boy seemed to work better that tons of blankets. Akashi had already made a mental note to buy a heated blanket.
- - - - - -

Compared to his family's other homes, the one in Tokyo was small, luckily. Akashi had spent the previous nights with the help of some of the other GOM's in an attempt to make the place as safe as possible. Medication and knives had been locked up. Reluctantly, Akashi put his scissors in a locked cabinet as well. They felt like they were saying they didn't trust Tetsuya and that hurt. Still, it had to be done.

Once they arrived, the butler opened the door and Akashi carried Kuroko into the house followed by the other two and the butler. After getting the smaller boy comfortable in a bed, Akashi left a maid to watch him and the three GOM's went about fixing food and making plans for how to help their ex-teammate. They worked out a schedule for Midorima, Kise, and Aomine to visit and help out. All of them would have gladly dropped everything else in their life to stay by Kuroko's side all day since his life was more important than school or anything else they could think of, but they knew they couldn't do that and Kuroko would be mad if they did. Unlike Kise, Midorima, and Aomine, Murisakabara didn't go to school in Tokyo so he wouldn't be able to visit very often. He had already gone back home earlier that day. Rakuzan, Akashi's school wasn't in Tokyo either, but he would stay as much as possible. He could get away with such.

Kise had a photo shoot earlier that day so he didn't arrive at the house until evening. They all ate dinner together and talked like old times. It felt nostalgic and comforting.

Afterwards, they decided to take some soup broth to Kuroko. The doctor had said not to give him solids yet.

Knock knock.

"I'm coming in Tetsuya." Akashi opened the door and the four teens walked in with a tray of soup. Akashi dismissed the maid on watch and brought the tray over to the bed.

"Tetsuya, wake up." Akashi shook the blue haired teens shoulder lightly until blue eyes stared at him. "We brought your dinner."

Aomine and Midorima adjusted the pillows and helped Kuroko sit up. Kise placed the tray on Kuroko's lap. Several minutes passed and Kuroko didn't move. He didn't even look at the food.

" ya need help?" Aomine asked awkwardly. His answer was silence.

"You need to eat Tetsuya." Akashi's tone was gentle but authoritative. The doctor had warned him that meal times might be difficult, but he hoped Tetsuya would just obey. He felt
his heart tighten when Tetsuya shook his head.

"Come on Tetsu, Just a few spoonful's..." Aomine pleaded.

"I'll feed you Kurokocchi." Kise offered and picked up a spoonful of broth. Tetsuya didn't open his mouth. His eyes glazed over and it looks as though he was seeing right past all of them.

"At least drink the tea." Aomine held the tea to his friends lips. To his relief, Kuroko took a few sips. Akashi put the tray on the side table and decided to admit defeat for tonight.
It had been a long day. They took turns preparing for bed and then laid out futons in the overly large bedroom. Akashi declared he would sleep on the bed with Kuroko and keep him warm. No one dared to object.

After turning off the lights, the red head pulled back the blankets on the bed and climbed in. He pulled his small friend close, somewhat surprised at how cold Kuroko's skin felt, and held him tight.

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