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Dr. Furuori took a seat and scanned the chart he was holding. "The patient lost a lot of blood and required a blood transfusion. His heart stopped once during treatment but he was revived quickly so it shouldn't cause any problems. Some of cuts required multiple stitches. He is also showing signs of being severely malnourished including a low body weight. He is also being treated for dehydration and hypothermia." The doctor paused to let the information sink in. "He will be moved to the ICU once he is more stable and placed under suicide watch. Physically, there isn't too much to worry about besides the low body weight, which could be associated with other serious conditions, and the risk of infection due to a weakened immune system. Mentally though...." The doctors voice trailed off.

"When can we see him?" Riko asked the question on everyones mind.

"Once he is stable. All visitors will be required to remove all dangerous objects from their person before entering the room and may be subject to a pat down though."

Riko nodded and thanked the doctor. He handed her some forms and asked if the group could fill it out to the best of their ability. Riko handed the forms to the members of the GOM since they probably knew more of the information. Before the doctor turned to leave, he asked if there was any way to contact the patients parents.

"His father works overseas and often doesn't have access to things like phones and stuff....that's what Tetsu told me. He never mentioned a mother..." Aomine took the forms from Riko and was looking over them. The doctor nodded and walked away.

Everyone felt a bit better knowing Kuroko was mostly out of danger.....for now. Riko insisted the rest of the team go home and come back tomorrow since it was unlikely they could visit that night. Kagami refused. Hyuga insisted on remaining as well. He didn't want to leave his kouhai alone...especially when Akashi showed up. He was well aware who Kagami blamed for this mess, other than himself of course. They all blamed themselves though.

Seirin, minus their ace and captain, left. Kasamatsu attempted to leave too, but Kise refused to let go of him, so the man resigned himself to remain with his teammate.

About twenty minutes later a shorter red haired man, with a glare that could probably kill someone, and a giant purple haired man entered the building. Spotting the other GOM's, the two newcomers made their way over.

"Aomine!" The short red head spoke with an authorative tone.

"Hai.." Was the reply.

"Akashicchi! What took so long!?" Kise remarked. The red head Akashi sighed and ignored Kise.

"How is Tetsuya-kun?"

"He will live..." Aomine said under his breath.

Kagami looked up with fire in his eyes. He grabbed Akashi by the collar of his shirt, surprised not to be attacked by scissors, but too angry to care. He had intended to stay calm, but seeing Akashi's face was too much and his exhausted mind couldn't control the anger anymore. "DAMN YOU AKASHI! IT SHOULD BE YOU IN THAT HOSPITAL BED! THIS IS YOUR FAULT AFTER ALL!"

The other's leapt to break the two apart afraid of what Akashi would do. To everyone's surprise, he grabbed a chair and slumped down in it looking no less worn out that the rest of them....maybe more. "I know."

Aomine, Kise, and Midorima couldn't believe their ears. Murisakibara, the purple haired teen who arrived with Akashi put the snacks down that he had been munching on since he arrived. Akashi looked defeated; a look they never thought they would live to see on their ex-captain.. Their shock only grew when they saw tears spilling out of his eyes.

"Oi! Akashi! Wha...." Aomine wasn't really sure how to react to this.

"It's a bit late to be crying now damnit!" Kagami wasn't about to go easy on the man. Midorima and Aomine kept a firm grip on him to keep him from attacking Akashi. "You're the one Kuroko couldn't beat. You're the one he couldn't fix. All he wanted was to help you. Then you turn around and tell him he has been replaced by a better model! You don't get to cry damn it! Do you even care? All this time...." The tears started pouring from the taller red heads eyes as well. "Damn it! Why did you even come.....You'll just upset'll just remind him that he failed....." He sat back down and buried his head in his hands.

Aomine and Kise just stared. Both red heads were crying now, a rather odd sight. In a different situation, it might have been funny. But it wasn't funny right now.

Akashi felt like he might just crumble. He knew Kagami was right....or at least half right. He was right on the part that mattered and it stung. Tetsuya was in the hospital for a failed suicide attempt because he Akashi pushed him too far and Tetsuya broke. He would give anything to put the pieces back together, but even the strongest glue couldn't hide the cracks.

"Tetsuya....Tetsuya didn't fail.....He didn't fail me...he didn't fail anyone."

Everyone looked at Akashi unsure of what to say. He was so out of character and now he wasn't even making sense!

"What are you talking about?" Kagami growled.

"Rakuzan won the game....but I lost. I just didn't realize it until later...not until a few days after...b...but I never told Tetsuya. I was ashamed.....ashamed for what I had done to him....ashamed for what the other me had snapped me back to my senses I guess. But...I guess....he didn't know...I wanted to tell him....but I didn't....I was the one who failed him Kagami....and all this time...all this happened..."

"OF COURSE HE DIDN'T KNOW! How was he supposed to know if you didn't tell him." Kagami wanted to hit the other red head but found he didn't even have the strength to anymore. He was almost feeling sorry for Akashi anyway, although he would never admit it. This Akashi wasn't as cold-hearted, but Kagami couldn't just forgive him either. The group was completely silent, minus some sniffling and sighs.

Finally Aomine stood up with an exasperated sigh and started kicking the wall. There wasn't any force behind it. He just needed to move. Kise was nodding off on Kasamatsu's shoulder, who was feeling awkward and out of place. Midorima's face was about as readable as Kuroko's was, meaning it wasn't readable at all. At some point, Takao had snuck out. Murasakibara only snacked half-heartedly while staring at something probably only he could see.

Nothing much changed over the next few hours. None of them felt like they could leave. No one had the energy to talk either. One by one, they dozed off until only Akashi was awake. 


AN: Sorry if this seems a little OOC. Anyway, please leave comments and let me know what you think. 

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