Akashi's Tears

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"W...where's Midorima-kun?" Aomine looked over his shoulder to see Kuroko awake and looking at him.

"He had something to take care of so I'm taking over." Aomine turned back to the tea on the dresser and poured a second mug.

"W....where's Alashi-kun....W...what time is it?" The last thing he remembered was talking to the therapist that afternoon. Now it was dark outside. He must have passed out.

"It's 6pm. Akashi's in his study.....crying." Aomine didn't turn around to see Kuroko's reaction. When Midorima had asked him to come take over, he heard a strange sound from the study and peeked in to find Akashi on the couch crying. Luckily for him, the red head didn't notice. Otherwise he would be dead. It probably wasn't something he should tell Kuroko, but his mouth spoke before his brain thought. Aomine finished pouring the tea and turned to face Kuroko.

"What the hell do you think you're doing Tetsu!" Aomine nearly shouted when he saw Kuroko standing, or trying to at least. He had a death grip on the side table to keep him steady. "Get back in bed!"

"I....I'm going to see Akashi-kun..." The bluenette took a couple steps using whatever he could grab a hold of to keep himself up.

"You can barely stand." Aomine was now standing in front of Kuroko. He refrained from pushing the boy back in the bed because he was afraid it would hurt him. Instead, he held out his arm, but Kuroko smacked it away, although his smack was too weak to actually push it away.

"I don't need help."

"Really?" Aomine almost looked amused. Kuroko glanced at the space between him and the door. Once he left the bedroom he could use the wall for support, but until then, he would either have to take the long way to the door by following the wall, crawl, or accept help. He decided on the latter with a reluctant sigh.

"Just to the door...."

Aomine nodded and bent down to wrap his arm around Kuroko's waist while Kuroko placed his arm around Aomines neck. They made their way to the door and then Aomine disengaged and watched Kuroko walk down the hall.

Akashi didn't cry. Kuroko knew that. That's why hearing the news he was crying scared him. He had seen Akashi cry twice before, but not alone. Well, of course it wasn't alone if he had been there to witness. Still, he didn't like it.

It was slow, painfully slow in fact, to get to the study. His knees shook, his body ached, and he swore the place should be covered in ice; it felt so cold. His head was spinning and his breath was short to make matters worse, but something told him he needed to go to Akashi. He needed to see him.

He made it too the door of the study and grasped the door knob. The door was heavy, so he only pulled it open enough to slide in, then let go right away. Sure enough, the Akashi was crying.


Akashi looked up to see Kuroko leaning on the door.

"Tetsuya....what are you doing...?"

"Aomine-kun said you were crying."

Akashi moved from the couch to where Kuroko was and picked him up. He sat back down on the couch and kept Kuroko partially in his lap. Then to the blue haired teen's surprise, Akashi hugged him tightly. He didn't say anything; he just hugged him tightly. After a few moments, he pulled away till they were face to face and pressed his lips against Kuroko's. It was a tongueless kiss. Akashi wasn't sure Kuroko would be okay with anything else. It only lasted a moment before he pulled away again and stared into Kuroko's blue eyes.

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