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"Akashi?" Midorima spoke softly, his voice shaking. He wasn't even trying to hide his emotions like he often did.

Akashi was sitting in the waiting room, shirtless, bent over with his head in his hands. He was shaking and although he was silent the water that dripped from his chin to his lap told Midorima the red head was crying.

"I stopped by your place and grabbed you a set of clothes. I hope this is okay...I wasn't sure...the maid said....." Midorima trailed off while holding the clothes out to Akashi. Akashi looked up, his eyes red and puffy and a small sad smile on his face.

"Thanks Shintarō." Akashi took the clothes. He slipped on the shirt but ignored the rest. He didn't feel like moving yet.

" problem." Midorima blushed unused to his former captain saying such things. "Any news?"

Akashi shook his head. The two teens sat in silence for a moment before Midorima spoke again.

"Your maid said the car had already left to pick up the others by the time I arrived. They should be here soon."

Akashi nodded and silence filled the space between them again. Midorima decided to grab some coffee from the coffee machine. He returned and handed a coffee to Akashi who took it.

"Did we make a mistake Shintarō?" Akashi asked, staring at his reflection in the black liquid.

"About what?"

"Not sending him to a looney bin? Was it a mistake? I keep thinking what ifs and maybes. Like if we had sent him to one, maybe he would be getting better now. If I had told him the truth sooner, maybe we wouldn't even be in this mess. If I had hired more doctors. If I hadn't lost myself in the first place. If."

Midorima was startled by Akashi's unusual confession but did his best to hide his shock.

"We already talked about why the mental hospital was a bad idea, and even if we had done all those things, we might have still ended up here, or maybe somewhere worse. It's not like you to dwell on the ifs and maybes. Besides, we don't even know what's wrong with him. We should...."

"He's fucking dying Shintarō!!!! That's what's wrong!" Akashi cut Midorima off, slamming his fists on his thighs. "He's's all my fault....He's dying because of me." Akashi's features softened again. Midorima didn't know what to say. This wasn't like either version of Akashi and he wasn't very good at consoling normal people. How was he supposed to console a panicked Akashi!?

Suddenly Akashi leaned over and placed his head on Midorima's chest sobbing. It took everything the green haired teen had to remain calm at this rather impossible situation. He decided it was best not to speak and awkwardly wrapped his arms around his former captain in a hug while rubbing circles on his back.

"I love him Shintarō.....I can't lose him. I killed him..."

Midorima pulled away and slapped Akashi, although not very hard.

"Get a hold of yourself!" Slapping Akashi was scary. It may very well be a death sentence. However, it wasn't nearly as scary as the scene that was playing out before his eyes.

Akashi didn't make a move to kill him though. Instead, the red head just stared. Midorima turned away pushing his glasses up on his nose nervously. He was relieved when Kise, Aomine, and Kagami ran in the door.

The trio ran over to the pair only to stop suddenly once they were close enough to see Akashi's face.

"No!" Kise whispered. " can't be....!!!!!!" He shouted assuming that the reason for Akashi looking so disheveled was because Kuroko was dead.

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