Game Changer

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AN:I struggled a bit with this chapter since I can't really write a basketball game. Anyway, thank you to everyone still reading this story. No, this isn't the end, I just wanted to say thank you!

Comments are appreciated as always. 

He didn't really understand why they had to drag him to the gym. For some reason, Seirin challenged the GOM to an unofficial match and they had dragged him to come watch. If his legs weren't numb from poor circulation, he might have tried to walk out. Why did he have to watch? Why did they want to rub his failure in his face? He was already dying. Wasn't that enough? Why did they need to break his heart again?

Well.....Akashi had asked him to watch. It was more like he begged actually. So Kuroko would watch. Even if it hurt. That would be his last favor to the one he the one he failed.

Kuroko sighed as Akashi pushed him into the gym. The familiar smell of basketballs hit him. The red head left him with Kise's captain, Midorima's teammate, and Riko, who smiled softly at him and ruffled his hair.


Akashi was the first one out of the locker rooms and headed straight to Kuroko, placing another kiss on his forehead.

"This is the result of your efforts Tetsuya, so watch." He whispered in the bluenettes ear and walked off.

Kuroko felt a sudden dread creep up on him. The GOM was going to crush Seirin and he was being forced to watch. Why did Akashi want him to watch this? Was this the other Akashi? Did he come back? Why did he have to watch his worst nightmare come true?

His fear must have shown on his face because Kasamatsu now had a hand on his shoulder and was asking him if he was okay. He just nodded.

Riko blew the whistle and Hyuga, Kagami, Izuki, Koganei, and Mitobe, Seirins starters, lined up with Akashi, Aomine, Midorima, Kise, and Murasakibara, the GOM's starters.

Kuroko took a deep breath. The game began. Midorima got the ball first and passed it to Akashi who began dribbling full speed down the court. It wasn't anything unusual to Kuroko. Akashi would score the first basket on his own. Except he didn't. He passed it? Kuroko thought as the ball was passed back to Midorima who took the first shot. And they're smiling?

The GOM were smiling.

The first quarter ended with the GOM in the lead. It wasn't surprising. No, the GOM being in the lead was expected, especially since Seirin didn't have their blue-haired phantom. Yet, there was this slight warm feeling inside of Kuroko that he couldn't explain. Everyone looked to be having fun. During the break, he could see them smiling and full of spirit as they planned for the second quarter and took a moment to breathe.

Seirin didn't look defeated. If anything, they looked more fired up than Kuroko could remember them being except maybe during the Winter Cup. Izuki was no doubt telling lame jokes by the faces the other team members were giving. Hyuga was playfully wacking Kagami over the head, probably for saying something stupid. Riko just looked amused. But none of them looked like they were giving up.

The GOM bench wasn't much different. Aomine was clearly arguing with Kise but neither were actually angry. Akashi was trying to get them to pay attention to what he was showing them on a clip board, although only Midorima and Murasakibara seemed to be paying attention. Eventually, Murasakibara offered his bag of chips to Kise and Aomine which effectively shut them up.

It was relaxed. It reminded Kuroko of the old days, when everyone was still a team. When games were fun.

"Tetsuya." Akashi's voice pulled him from his thoughts. He hadn't noticed the red head come over. Kuroko realized Akashi had a worried look on his face as he crouched down in front of the wheel chair. "Is something wrong?"

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