How To Help

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"Oi, Akashi. Your butler let me in."

"Tetsuya's asleep." Akashi placed his book down and strode over to meet Aomine who was standing at the door to the bedroom.

"Did he eat?"

"Only one bite...."

"That's not good enough is it?"

"It hasn't even been a full two days." Akashi spared a glance back at the bed to make sure Tetsuya was still asleep before sliding into the hallway and closing the door behind him.

"Yeah but..." Aomine began to protest a bit louder once the door was shut. "I'm scared..." It came out in the tiniest whisper and Akashi almost didn't hear it. The red head decided to pretend he didn't.

"It's your turn to watch him. I will be in my study. If anything happens, have one of the staff fetch me." Akashi started down the long hall. He paused after getting about halfway. "I'll have the maid bring Tetsuya some broth for dinner, but just leave it on the table. Don't try to force him to eat."


"It's only the second night. I'll see you in the morning." With a heavy sigh, Akashi continued his retreat down the hall leaving Aomine to ponder his former captains strange behavior before slipping into the bedroom.

Aomine pulled his school books from his back pack and settled down to study. He figured he might as well get some school work done.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully, although Kuroko didn't touch his dinner. Akashi returned at bedtime and slept with Kuroko while Aomine took a couch in the room.

The next several days continued similarly. Akashi stayed with Kuroko during the day and Aomine, Midorima, or Kise would come after school or practice to watch him until bedtime and stay the night. It was uneventful for the most part. Uneventful, but not good. Kuroko only ate once more during those four days and he managed to throw it up. He just waited for Midorima who was watching him to look away and then he stuck his fingers down his throat right where he was before anyone could stop him. It wasn't Midorimas fault.

On the fifth day, Saturday, the four GOM's were gathered in Akashi's living room. Their faces were grim and they had the look of someone who has been defeated, an unusual thing for them, but almost ironic that Kuroko would be the cause again.

"Maybe we should send him to a mental hospital after all." Kise broke the silence.

"You might as well stab him to death yourself." Was Midorima's cruel reply. Kise looked about to cry and sure enough, seconds later, he was crying.

"How can you say that!!!" Aomine glared at Midorima.

"What do you think would happen if we sent him to a mental hospital?" Midorima questioned. It was Akashi who answered.

"He would probably kill himself in one way or another. Normal people don't notice him, remember. He could slip past security, get a hold of dangerous items, etc. We are used to him so it's harder for him to get past us, but people who aren't used to him would be completely oblivious until it was too late."

"But he won't eat!" Kise protested through his tears.

"He probably wouldn't eat there either since they would forget about him." Aomine argued.

"He's dying! Shouldn't we at least take him back to the hospital!? They could use a feeding tube or something....." Kise said what none of them wanted to admit. Kuroko was dying and they seemed to be helpless.

"The doctor was against using the feeding tube, remember? He said it could be damaging mentally and make Kuroko even more suicidal. He said Kuroko needs to eat on his own." Midorima reminded them of the doctors words. Doctor Furuori had refused to use a feeding tube. He had told them that eating had to be something Kuroko chose for himself. The feeding tube would likely strengthen Kuroko's suicidal thoughts and actions and after hearing and understanding how invisible Kuroko could make himself, he said he couldn't risk that. Kuroko was already suicidal but something seemed to be holding him back even if it was only slightly. However, if he got worse, that might not work anymore. Thinking of that, Midorima wanted to laugh...almost. Kuroko was killing himself anyway.

The reason they were sitting there talking about all of this was because Kuroko was killing himself. Things had taken a turn for the worse over the past four days. It had been predicted that Kuroko wouldn't live much longer if he didn't start eating soon, but it turned out that Kuroko's body was weaker and less resistant than the doctor anticipated. Or maybe it was because Kuroko wasn't willing to fight. Either way, his condition was worsening. Kuroko spent most of the day asleep and was too weak to get out of bed. It wasn't a huge surprise since he could barely walk before, but now it was worse. Midorima suspect he was experiencing chest pain too after finding him clutching his chest with a pained expression on his face one afternoon. His skin was dry and his hair was falling out too. It didn't take much to bruise him either. Some of these things had been present before, but now they were worse.

Midorima was pulled from his thoughts when Akashi spoke up after everyone had been silent for several minutes, all lost in their own thoughts like Midorima.

"The hospital and feeding tube is an absolute last resort. We already broke him far too much. I'll make him eat."

"How?" Aomine wasn't sure how Akashi was going to accomplish something he hadn't accomplished so far. However, Akashi gave him a glare warning him against asking any further questions so Aomine dropped it.


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