Boyfriends and Soup

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AN: You have reached the end of "To Fix What We Broke"

The sequel "To Love What We Broke" will continue from where this story leaves off. 

A nurse woke Akashi before she set the dinner tray on the table that went across the bed and left. Akashi nudged the small sleeping figure in his arms gently. Kuroko's eyes opened. Akashi heard the faint beeps of the heart monitor get closer together and the body in his arms tense up. He sighed inwardly, noting the uncomfortable expression on the blue haired boys face. Pressing a button on the side, he adjusted the bed to a sitting position and pulled the table closer, mentally preparing himself for a fight. Kuroko had agreed to try to get better, but that didn't mean he would willingly eat, especially the first night. Akashi knew that. He hadn't really expected it to go otherwise. Therefore, he wasn't prepared for what came out of Kuroko's mouth a moment later.

"W....will you" The bluenette whispered with a shaky voice, still noticeably tense. "I'm tired. My hands shake." He held up his hands which shook like they always did. "It will spill."

"You'll eat?" Akashi asked hesitantly, thrown off by the unexpected request. A slight smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Kuroko nodded.

"Just a couple more than that." Kuroko agreed. Akashi noticed the tears that were welling up in the smaller boys eyes and smiled gently. Despite being visibly afraid and upset, Kuroko was agreeing to the food and waiting patiently for Akashi to help. Akashi ran his hands through thin blue hair in an attempt at comfort.

"Thank you." The red head kissed the bluenettes cheek and lifted a spoonful of soup, blowing lightly to cool it off before bringing to Kuroko's lips.

"It's okay. I promise. Just hold my hand and try not to think about it too much okay." Akashi took Kuroko's hand with his free one and felt the thin hand squeeze his slightly. Kuroko closed his eyes and let the soup enter his mouth. He swallowed as a tear fell down his cheek. Akashi wiped the tear away and brought another spoonful of soup to Kuroko's mouth. It was accepted.

Akashi repeated the steps and whispering words of encouragement. He felt his hand being squeezed several times, usually followed by a stray tear running down Kuroko's cheek. The situation was sad, but it was happy too, because Kuroko had chosen to eat. He was trying. For himself. For Akashi. For his friends. Akashi was happy, despite the ache in his heart, he was happy.

Ten spoonful's was all Kuroko could handle, but Akashi was fine with that. He pushed the table away and adjusted the bed to somewhere between sitting and laying down. Once the bed stopped moving, he pulled Kuroko close and the smaller boy buried his face in the red heads shirt and sobbed.

"It's okay Tetsuya. It's okay." Akashi rubbed circles on Kuroko's back in a soothing motion. After several minutes, the crying was reduced to sniffles and Akashi spoke again.

"May I ask what you are thinking about right now?"

" don't want to know." Kuroko whispered.

"Is it about the soup?"

Kuroko nodded.

"Please keep it down. For me."

Kuroko nodded, although more hesitantly than before. He gripped Akashis shirt tighter in his fists.

"It's okay Tetsuya. I'm here with you okay. Try to get some rest. You need it."

Kuroko nodded again keeping his face buried. Akashi stroked his hair and back soothing him until he fell asleep again.


The first thing Kuroko was aware of when he woke was the lack of warmth beside him. He slowly opened his eyes and searched the room before landing on the familiar red head.

"Aka......Sei-kun?" He corrected himself. Akashi looked up from his laptop and smiled.

"You're awake." The red head stated.

"What are you doing?"

"Just some assignments and stuff. Did my typing wake you?" Akashi shut his computer and sat on the bed giving Kuroko a quick peck on the lips. Kuroko shook his head.

"No. I don't think so." He paused to cough before he continued. "You haven't been going to school because of me......." He looked down at white sheets. Akashi grabbed his chin and forced Kuroko to look at him.

"It's okay. I can do my school work from here. Don't be sad."

"But what about basketball?"

"I usually drop in two or three times a week."

"How? When?"

Akashi grinned. "I take the helicopter sometimes or the Shinkansen so it takes almost no time at all for travel. Now enough about that. How are you feeling?"

Kuroko pouted at the subject change but answered. "Tired." He admitted reluctantly. "And thirsty." He added after a pause. Akashi stood and poured some tea. He hit a button to adjust the bed so Kuroko could sit up before pressing the cup to his lips. Kuroko took a few sips.

"That better?"

Kuroko nodded and closed his eyes. "It's okay to call you Sei-kun?" Kuroko asked suddenly without opening his eyes.

"Of course." Akashi smiled. He liked how pure his nickname sounded from Kuroko's lips.

"Okay. It's shorter than Seijuro so it's easier." He coughed a bit.

"Sei-kun is fine." Akashi brought the tea back to Kuroko's lips allowing Kuroko to drink a few sips before putting it back down. "Tetsuya?"


"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Kuroko's eyes fluttered open and studied the red head for a moment.

"I thought I already was?" He gave his confused reply causing Akashi to chuckle.

"Well I never officially asked you."

"The answer is yes, on one condition."

Akashi raised one eyebrow giving Kuroko a questioning look. "You thought you already were but now there is a condition?"

Kuroko simply nodded with the slightest of smiles.

"Alright, lets hear it." Akashi relented, unsure of what to expect.

Kuroko's smile grew just a bit and he blushed slightly. He wasn't used to asking the kind of thing he was about to ask for. It wasn't a big deal, but embarrassing all the same.

"Come back to bed. It's cold....and I miss you....and stay till I wake up this time." He looked away, his blush deepening. Akashi chuckled.

"That's all?"

Kuroko nodded still blushing and not facing Akashi. Akashi pulled back the covers and slipped in. He slid one arm under Kurokos head and draped the other over his waist pulling the bluenette closer and tucking Kuroko's head comfortably under his chin.

"Is this good?" Akashi whispered.

Kuroko nodded thankful Akashi couldn't see his blush.

"I love you Tetsuya."

"I love you too Sei-kun."

"Get some sleep. I won't leave."

Kuroko smiled and closed his eyes again letting Akashi's warmth lull him back to sleep.


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