Red Heads

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The next morning, Aomine was the first to wake up. He walked into the living room still half asleep when, to his annoyance, he found a certain red head Seirin player, Seirin's coach and the captain whos name he couldn't be bothered to remember this early in the morning, sitting on the couch.

"Bakagami." Aomine growled.

"Ahomine." Kagami growled right back. The two stared each other down with murderous eyes until Hyuga jumped up off the couch and stood between them.

"Stop glareing at each other and grow up." Riko eyes move to the door connecting the living room to the hall to see the Rakuzan captain standing there. Hyuga rose and he and Riko bowed respectfully. "Good morning. We are sorry to drop by unannounced but..."

"We hadn't heard anything and we were worried damnit!" Kagami interrupted.

Aomine slumped into the couch across from the three Seirin members. "It's been hectic..."

Akashi sat down in a chair. "My apologies for not keeping you up to date." He gave a small polite nod towards Seirin. "As Daiki said, it's been a bit chaotic this past week."

"I thought you liked chaotic..." Kagami muttered under his breath receiving an elbow to his side from Riko.

"How is he?" Riko noticed the expression on Aomine and Akashi's faces when she asked. She took a deep breath.

"When can he come back?" Kagami was glaring at Aomine again.

"He might not, Kagami." For once, Aomine spoke to Kagami without a hint of malice or dislike. It kind of freaked Kagami out. Riko was still watching Akashi waiting for a report.

"Akashi...." Hyuga spoke cautiously to the Rakuzan captain after Akashi didn't speak for what felt like several minutes. Riko noted the exhaustion on Akashi's face despite how well it was hidden.

"He's dying...and I don't know if he can be saved." Akashi's voice was barely a whisper. He suddenly stood and walked over to the large window with his back facing the others. He didn't trust his face at the moment.

"I thought you were going to help him!!!" Kagami yelled, but he didn't look as angry as he did upset.

"It may be beyond our control. Even Akashi isn't god ya know." Aomine took a breath. "Besides, if you want to judge then why don't you help out! You're supposed to be his light."

"I know! I don't need you to tell me that damnit!"

"Then why is this the first time you have come to see him!?"

"Because!! Because I was scared.....I keep remembering him in that we all ignored the warning signs for so long until it was almost to late..." Kagami slammed his fist onto his thigh and dug his nails into his palms but could stop the slight tremble of his body. Riko rubbed his back and Akashi and Aomine looked away. They understood.

The room remained silent, for how long, no one was sure. None of them were paying attention to the passage of time as they lost themselves in their own thoughts. It wasn't until Midorima entered the room and called Akashi's name that their minds snapped back to reality.

"Akashi, Kuroko is awake now." Midorima left as soon as he informed Akashi.

"Daiki," Akashi turned to Aomine, "please inform the chef that we will have three extra guests for breakfast."

"Hai." Aomine removed himself from the room quickly.

Seirin's members didn't protest. They knew better. Instead they kept their eyes on Akashi. Kagami had an odd expression on his face, surprised that Akashi had his own chef. Hyuga and Riko didn't seem fazed though.

"Breakfast should be ready soon." Akashi announced.

"So we can see Kuroko then?" Riko was looking hopefully at Akashi now.

Akashi sighed. "I'll see if I can convince him to join."

"Convince him?" Hyuga spoke his thoughts. He was clearly confused as to why Kuroko wouldn't join and he wanted an explanation.

"I said he was dying didn't I." Akashi sighed again. He was sighing way too much these days. He rubbed his forehead as if to ward off a headache. "You heard the doctor. He called it anorexia with purging tendencies. He's starving himself. He freaks out if we so much as mention eating to him. If we put food in front of him, he acts like it's going to eat him instead of the other way around. Up until last night, we couldn't get him to keep anything down, and it was only a few bites last night..." Akashi clenched his hands into fists clearly frustrated.

"Why the hell would he be afraid of food?" Kagami didn't understand. This time it was Riko who explained after elbowing the tall red head.

"Anorexia is an eating disorder, Kagami. It's a psychological disorder. I've seen it a few times when working with my father."

"I still don't get it."

"ugh. You know what mental disorders are, right?"

"You mean like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder?"

"Those are mental disorders, yes. So is anorexia. Usually it's in females, but males can develop the disorder too. Body image issues have a lot to do with it in most cases. The person sees themselves as fat no matter how much weight they lose and they become obsessed with doing whatever they can to lose that imaginary weight. Well, at least that's usually how it is, but I can't imagine Kuroko with body image issues...." Riko turned back to Akashi in hopes he might be able to explain.

"I did some research. He has said some things too. I'd say it stems more from being suicidal than from body image issues. That, and this stupid belief he has that he is worthless." Akashi finished and the room went quiet for several minutes.

"Can we see him after breakfast....?" Kagami mumbled. He only sort of understood what had been said, but his mind was on seeing Kuroko.

Akashi hesitated, seemingly thinking it over in his head before replying. "That depends."

"Depends on what, Akashi?"

"On whether you plan on seeing him and then disappearing from his life or actually helping him. He needs reliable support, not teammates that are too afraid to be there for him, Kagami."

Again the room went silent, although this time, Akashi and Kagami were having a death stare contest. Finally, Kagami gave in.

"I want to help. I will help, however I can."

"Good." Akashi seemed satisfied with the response. "We can talk about what times work best for you after breakfast."

"Times?" Kagami asked confused.

"We take turns watching after him. He can't be left alone for even a minute and....he's gotten too weak to do much on his own, except maybe kill himself if given the opportunity." Akashi said the last part in a hushed voice.

"Is it really that bad?" Hyuga finally spoke up. Akashi nodded.

"You will see for yourself soon enough." Akashi turned away and headed for the door. "Come. Breakfast should be ready any moment now."

The three Seirin members followed Akashi to the dining room where they joined Midorima and Aomine for breakfast. Kise was currently in charge of watching Kuroko.

AN: Let me know what you think. I love comments! Nice or mean. I'm not picky.

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