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It was still dark outside. He looked at the clock which read 1:36 A.M. in bright green. Akashi wasn't sure why he was awake at such an odd hour. Something wasn't right though.

"Tetsuya?" He whispered suddenly realizing he had been in bed with Kuroko and now Kuroko wasn't there. He bolted up and called out Kuroko's name a little louder.

"Shudup." Aomine growled half asleep.

"Daiki, Tetsuya isn't here!" That got Aomines attention and he sat up suddenly awake. The two teens looked around until they noticed the light seeping under the bathroom door.

"He's just in the bathroom Akashi...quit freaking out." Aomine was about to go back to sleep when they heard a faint coughing noise. The red head jumped out of bed and went to the door.

"Tetsuya, is everything okay?" He asked. There was no reply. Aomine had followed him and began banging on the door, which woke Kise and Midorima.

"Oi, Tetsu, answer us!" No answer.

"What's going on Aominecchi?" Kise and Midorima were now up too. Aomine ignored Kise and tried to turn the door knob as he felt a sickening feeling invade his stomach. Something was wrong.

"It's locked..."

"Break it down!" Akashi ordered. Aomine was about to protest, but seeing the look in Akashi's eyes, he thought better of it.

"We're coming in Tetsu!" And with that, he slammed his body into the door forcing it down.

Adjusting their eyes to the light, the four teens looked down at their smaller friend and horror filled their faces. Kuroko was sitting by the toilet shaking uncontrollably. What was probably vomit, covered his fingers. Since Kuroko hadn't eaten anything, it was just tea and body fluids from the looks of it. A few strands of red suggested blood. The sight was an awful one, but what shocked them the most was when Kuroko didn't even look up at them. Instead, ignoring their presence as if they didn't exist, he shoved his fingers down his throat again.

"What the hell Tetsu!" Aomine slapped Kuroko. "Do you have some sort of death wish!!" Aomine immediately regretted the words the moment they escaped his lips. 'Of course Tetsu has a death wish' he thought, 'That's why we're all here..' He could feel the stares of the others on his back.

"A...aom....." Kuroko stared as if he just realized he wasn't alone anymore. His body started to sway and then he fell over landing in Aomines lap. He continued to shake and coughed several times.

"Oi.." The navy haired teen gently shook Kuroko's shoulder. "Tetsu..."

In the background Kise was sobbing and Midorima was trying to calm him down without much luck. Akashi wet a cloth, crouched down in front of the two blue haired boys, and began wiping Kuroko's face and fingers.

"Akashi...." Aomine looked at Akashi. "Why..." He couldn't finish due to a lump rising in his throat.

Akashi just shook his head. He didn't know the answer and that annoyed him. He always had answers, but right now, he didn't.

"I need to be smaller...I need to disappear...to be smaller...." Everyone froze as they heard the raspy voice that was barely a whisper escape Kuroko's lips before his body went limp.

"Kurokocchi...... I don't want you to disappear!" Kise began sobbing even more.



"Daiki, take Tetsuya back to bed and stay with him. Shintaro, clean up this mess," Akashi gestured at the bathroom. "Ryota, stop crying. You are giving me a head ache. Just go back to bed."

"What are you going to do Akashicchi?" Kise asked through his sniffles as he tried to follow orders.

"I have to make some calls." With that, Akashi left the rooms and the others proceeded to do as they had been told.


After leaving the rooms, Akashi went to his study and sat down. First, he called the doctor and explained the situation then asked if there was anything they needed to do. The doctor, knowing better than to suggest sending Kuroko to a mental hospital, told Akashi that Kuroko should be okay, but if anything else happened, he should bring Kuroko back to the hospital.

Then Akashi called for his butler.

"Yes Akashi-san." The butler appeared moments later.

"I want the locks removed from all interior doors before the sun rises!"

The butler seemed surprised and was about to ask why, but thought better of it. He wasn't in a rush to lose his life. Instead, he bowed and hurried out of the room to carry out the order.

Once he was alone, Akashi cried. It was a quiet sob. He didn't want anyone to hear the great Akashi cry, although he wasn't feeling so great at the moment. He couldn't even protect his friend, the one he loved. He kept hearing the words Kuroko had uttered in his head on repeat like a broken record.

"Damn it Tetsuya....Damn it, damn it, damn it!" He sobbed as he pounded his fist on the desk. "DAMN IT!!"

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