Waking Up

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Akashi awoke to a nurse gently patting his shoulder. As his eyes slowly opened, he could see her doing the same to the rest of the group. Once everyone was more or less awake, she suggested they go to the cafeteria and get some food. Akashi thanked her, both for letting them stay the night (not that he had given the hospital much of a choice....) and for waking them. She simply smiled and walked away.

"Akashi saying thank you...are pigs flying yet?" Aomine groggily eyed Akashi. Akashi intended to give him an icy glare but found his lips slightly curling into a smile instead. It wasn't even a 'I'm going to kill you smile.'

They all ate breakfast silently and Kise finally allowed Kasamatsu to leave. The captain promised to come back later if Kise wanted. Kagami told Hyuga to go home too, but the older male refused.

Kagami, Hyuga, and the generation of miracles filed back into the waiting room where they were met by Dr. Furuori.

"I thought you all would like to know its okay for you to visit your friend now. He is awake, although he is heavily sedated. Would you like me to take you to his room?"

"Please." Akashi answered. The doctor led them through the double doors and down a long white hallway. Without Kasamatsu to cling to, Kise was now clinging to Aomines arm. Midorima looked a bit uncomfortable since he hadn't had a chance to check his lucky item. Murisakibara hadn't bothered to grab any snacks and fidgeted with his fingers instead. Kagami and Akashi walked side by side. Kagami hadn't forgiven the shorter red head yet, but what he had seen the night before was making him feel a bit uneasy. Hyuga stayed right behind....just in case Kagami decided to take matters into his own hands.

Kagami didn't appear angry at all. If anything, he was afraid. They were now in front of the door to Kuroko's room. Shocking and confusing Seirins captain, Kagami grasped Hyugas hand. Hyuga accepted. The door was opened and they all walked in.

A thin body resembling their friend lay in the hospital bed with various tubes and wires sticking out. The heart monitor provided a steady beat, the only sound besides the oxygen mask and hum of other machines. The group stood there for a moment unable to move. Even though Kagami had seen Kuroko only the day before, he had been too preoccupied to really look. The hospital attire didn't hide much of anything and the small boy was dwarfed by the large bed making him look paler and displaying his starved body. He had to swallow the bile back down that kept rising in the back of his throat. He wasn't alone.

It felt like they stood there for hours. Frozen. Paralyzed by the realization of their own failures. Looking now, none of them understood how they could have been so blind to what had been in front of their eyes for the past few months.

It was Akashi who moved first. His whole body was shaking uncharacteristically. Carefully, afraid he might injure the blue haired boy further; he grasped the thin hand on the bed sheet. Kuroko's eyes fluttered open.

"T....Tetsuya.....Tetsuya-kun....." The red heads voice cracked.

"A....Ak...." Akashi cut Kuroko off before he could finish.

"Don't try to speak."

Kagami appeared on the other side of the bed and grasped Kuroko's hand.

"H...hey Kuroko..." He forced a smile. Kuroko looked to have attempted to smile back. Kagami stroked the blue hair trying not to cry. The others had made their way to stand around the bed placing their hand on their friend's body to let him know they were there. They tried to smile.

"I wanted to disappear...." It was barely a whisper, but they heard the last words Kuroko mumbled before giving in to the medicine and falling back asleep.
They just stared. It felt so surreal. They had broken their phantom, but he might be beyond repair.

Riko and the other members of Seirin came to visit throughout the day. Momoi had somehow found out and showed up. Hyuga finally went home.

Akashi had arranged for rooms at the hotel across the street from the hospital. He called each of their schools and basketball captains to inform them that the GOM and Kagami would be absent for a little while. Due to his father's power and his own, no one argued. Kagami was shocked that Akashi would help him too, and more shocked at just how much the red haired brat could get away with. He wasn't going to complain though.

It was a good thing they had made the arrangements. One of the wounds showed signs of infection on the second day. When Kuroko finally woke up and was actually cohearent, it had been almost five days.

"W......wa...wat...." Kuroko's voice came out raspy.

Kagami who was closest to Kuroko at the moment jumped up. "Kuroko! You're awake! How do you feel?"



"He needs water Bakagami!" Aomine shoved Kagami aside. He lifted Kuroko's head and put a cup of water to his lips. Kagami, finally catching on, grabbed some tissues to soak up the water that didn't make it in to the boys mouth.
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(At the same time)

Akashi was sitting in Dr. Furuori's office. Among the arangements he had made the other day, he had informed the doctors that they were to report to him about Kuroko's condition and he would be more or less acting as his guardian. Technically, he was still a minor himself, but that was just how powerful the Akashi family was and he had decided he was going to do everything he could to fix what he helped break.

So, here he was, in Dr. Furuori's office trying to keep his calm as he listened to the doctor's news.

"We have conducted several tests and concluded that there are no underlying physical causes for Kuroko Tetsuya's weight loss. Presumably, he is starving himself, possibly as another way of harming himself like the cutting. I'm sure you can tell it's gotten rather severe. With the infection going away, he can be discharged in a few days....it would be best to get in contact with a relative of his, but I understand that isn't possible at the moment. He can't be sent home alone though. It would probably be best to place him in a mental institution. He is simply a danger to himself. He has made it clear that he is still suicidal."

He hated the words coming out of the doctor's mouth. Send Tetsuya-kun to a mental hospital!?

"NO!" He managed to just barely keep a hold on his composure. "He won't be going home alone sir. The Akashi family will temporarily look after him."

"He needs help...from a professional." The doctor tried to argue. He knew if the Akashi family insisted on taking the boy, resistance was futile, but he still had to try. His try
rewarded him with a murderous glare from the high school boy. This was not a battler he could win.

Akashi was serious. He wouldn't abandon Tetsuya again.

The red head left and returned to Kuroko's room.

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