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Next day,

Alexandra was alone at home. She was bored . She started cooking , she was so depressed of leaving her son at hospital made her burn the curry and overtoast the bread. Alexandra looked at their family picture and started sobbing.
" It takes millions of people to complete the world,but it only takes you to complete mine." Cried with depression Alexandra looking at Anthony.
"Iam so sorry!, I should have come with you, but again then Charlie would be left alone." Spoke Alexandra to herself.

There was all of a sudden a cold breeze blowing her hair. She heard sounds from the attic. She heard birds at attic chirping.
" Oh god! I forgot again to clean the attic. I have been thinking of doing that since last three months. There is a lot of junk , and some belongings of Anthony which he didn't want us to see! No time to procrastinate!". Thought to herself.

Alexandra started walking upstairs and she just happen to pass by Charlie's room and she saw what was written on his room door," Turn your sadness into kindness,and your uniqueness into strength."
I felt to her as if her son was a poet. " "He sure writes like a poet". She smiled looking at the door making her way to attic.
"Umm... Sure looks like it got a whole life in this place." Told Alexandra coughing.
After searching for awhile Alexandra's attention was drawn toward a old rusted trunk at an end of the attic.

 After searching for awhile Alexandra's attention was drawn toward a old rusted trunk at an end of the attic

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" I think this box belongs to Anthony." Thought Alexandra.
Naughty ideas of opening the box came to Alexandra's mind.
" Time to open the treasure!" Smiled like a vicious villain.
"Everyone has a chapter that they don't read out loud." Thought Alexandra.
She started cleaning the box , she saw something written," In the end ,it doesn't matter who you are or where you have been because we're all bound to end up alone regardless."
Alexandra opened the box and she started looking into the mess of papers and then all of a sudden her attention was drawn towards a paper in which it was written,' Christa Abell'
And suddenly her mobile began to ring and the call came from Dr. Lucas .

What do you think have happened?
What do you think is there in the box?
Why do you think Christa Abell' was written on a paper in the box?
Why do you think Anthony hide the box away from his family?

To be continued.......

Authors note----- I think everyone like the story.
Please do vote for it.

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