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Dr. Lucas Brown called Alexandra and the ring made Alexandra afraid.
She picked up the phone and answered it.
"Yes, doctor. Is my son alright?" Asked Alexandra.
There was a long silence.
" Miss Alexandra, I am so sorry to say but I think you need to come see your son for the last time!".  Told Lucas with heavy voice.
"What happened? What happened to my son?". Cried Alexandra.
"I can't say anything but please look at your son for the last time. Please hurry! Exclaimed Lucas with frustration and hung the call.

30 minutes later at Berthanlow hospital,

Alexandra rushed into the hospital and ran to Charlie's room . Alexandra saw the rush and hustle near Charlie's room. Alexandra ran inside and agonized. She saw her son's dead body placed in blood. She was broke.
She stood there in silence and melancholy. And then she burst into tears. Lucas saw Alexandra but he was not in a condition to calm her down.
Alexandra went to Charlie's dead body and cried as little kid who was separated from their mother and father. She cried and cried. Everybody left her alone and went out.
All of a sudden Alexandra started collecting Charlie's blood in a test tube. She collected the blood weeping her tears. She stood up and walked outside the room. Lucas and their colleagues were waiting for her and Alexandra came out and out of anger and agony she caught Lucas shirt collar and screamed like a mentally ill person ,she screamed,
"You killed my son, you traitor!".
" You killed my son ,you killed him". Alexandra shouted in pain and mourning.
The security caught her and threw her outside the hospital but she cried like a arrogant child.
She stood up and rushed to the police station and filed a complaint against Lucas and his hospital.
2 days later,
Lucas was brought to the court and was enquired, "How did the patient Charlie Wind died?". Asked the judge.
"He died due to his artery burst." Replied Lucas.
"He was given treatment for curing his mental illness but during the test he burst his artery by suffocating himself to death." Replied Lucas.
"No your honour, my son would never do such a thing. The doctors gave him high dosage of drugs and killed my son." Cried Alexandra.

After a long session of enquiry the court ordered to check the blood of Charlie to look for over dosage of drugs.

The blood was sent to Dragneel medical college for tests .

3 weeks later,
The court gave the result as the doctors are not responsible for Charlie's death. And the case was crossed out.

Alexandra came home and cried at her loneliness and went to her room but soon she remembered the file in the Attic with name as Christa Abell.
She ran to the Attic and opened the file.

Case file of Christa Abell

She was born to rich parents and she had a mentally ill mother and brother and her father who would always be out of town.
One day...........

How do you think Charlie died?
Who do you think is Christa Abell?
What happened one day?

To be continued..........
Author note:I hope everyone likes this chapter. Please don't be silent reader please do vote.

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