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Fear is what that unravels the dead memory.


"My name is Christa Abell." Those words lingered around layla's head on her way back home with Lily. To Layla everything was just like a dream. A dream that should have never haunted her in the first place. Layla now clearly remembered the voice in the wind she heard when she was little. She remembered how that voice has sent cold run through her spine. Now she remembered that the voice has warned to never forget to come to her or else she would take something important for me. The one that was very important to her was her dad...

"Layla, so you say that you know her before we even met?" Lily questioned.

Layla came out of her trance and realised the question Lily asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry I dragged you into this stuff." Layla apologised as small tears made their way through her cheeks.

"Apology accepted." Lily returned with a small smile fighting for its place with uncertainity.

"Thanks. Lily you know I have made a decision."Layla cleared her throat as she wiped her tears.

"No thanks between friends. So what did you decide?" Lily questioned back.

"I'm going to Norway." Layla replied.

Lily's eyes widened in shock as she halted the car suddenly making the both of them jerk forward and then return back.

"What? Are you out of your mind? Did you go nuts ?" Lily fumed to her friend's arrogant decision.

"No I'm fine. I need to go back there so that everyone I care about can be safe." Layla responded with a hint of sadness in her voice remembering the voice.

"Sorry Layla but I'm not going to let you do as you please. I know you are scared that something might happen to us but know that I'm scared that something will happen to you if you go. So shut up and let's go back to college before something else happens." Lily replied with anger and concern growing in her voice.

"But -" Layla was cut by Lily.

"Remember we brought Paul and Stuart with us. They have gone through stuff they shouldn't have gone through. And yet they stayed and by the way they are missing their classes because of us. Do you understand it ?" Lily yelled at Layla who was in deep thought process.

"Yes." Layla replied lowly.

"What ?" Lily yelled again as she started driving the car.

"I said yes." Layla tried to scream but it only came as a broken voice.

Lily sighed in relief. Layla on the other hand was worried, tensed, and angry on herself. What had she done to have these many problems in her life? Layla questioned herself again and again.

Lily stopped the car in front of Layla's house but Layla was in a deep thought process that made her fail to recognise her surroundings . Lily did not say a word she just kept staring at her best friend with 'just snap out of it' look. She turned her head and looked outside doing nothing.

"When do you think it all started?" Lily whispered to herself but was loud enough to bring Layla back to reality.

"I don't know. Maybe I am the one responsible for all the deaths ." Layla replied with broken voice as if she would cry any second now.

Lily turned around and realised that she had said it out loud. But she quickly replied

"It's not your fault. You don't even remember what had happened when you were young." Lily replied.

"I doesn't matter anymore." Layla gave a weak answer before she got out of the car.

"See you later." Layla waved at lily without another word slip out of her mouth. Lily had observed Layla in every of her moods. And it was one of them. Anxiety. Lily knew that once Layla gets anxious, she cannot comprise her.

"Fine . Bye" lily said the words with monotonous voice.

Layla nodded as she watched the car began to pull off and finally the car took a right turn disappearing from her sight.

Layla's P.O.V~ (later at night),

What should I do? I'm the one responsible for dad's death. Maybe this all because of what we thought at park about not going to the place. If I could have gone there or atleast thought of going there dad may have been alive. Iam the victim of my own actions. I don't care if I'm the victim anymore till I save everyone else.

I began to flip my phone between my fingers while I was sitting in my mom's room. I slipped the phone from my fingers and it ended up getting below grandfather's wardrobe. I lowered myself and began to check for my mobile and I ended up touching something beside my phone.

I kneeled down further and it looks like a box. I pulled it out and it was covered in dust.

'Why would they keep this here ?' I questioned myself. As I slowly cleaned the dust I began to read it.

"Case file of ..." I choked on my own voice. It was her again. Why ? Why is she here?

"Christa Abell.." I whispered to myself.

I moved down the lid as I just lost my hope to live. I downed it and I saw a file it looked like a report. I took out the file. I began reading it.

Third person P.O.V,

Layla began reading it. Sweat dropped from her forehead. She read the report.

" Now that you are reading this she is watching you.." Layla slipped her words.

She threw the file away ,her face with a terrifying look.

She looked all around her and found nothing. She just looked again into the box and saw a picture. It was her grandfather taking an award.

" Dr.Lucas Brown recieving an honorary award for his unforgettable work in the field of medicine." Layla read what was on back of the picture.

Her head began to feel heavy but all she did was get to her phone. One thing she knew, that she had decided.

She immediately called lily and once the ringing stopped, lily said a hello . It was a voice ,like she was going to say something.

"I'm going to Norway." Layla stated.

Lily stopped for a moment before replying.

"I know. We all are going." Lily stated.

"What!? What do you mean all are going?" Layla questioned.

"I'm going there and both Paul and Stuart agreed on going with us." Lily replied.

"Wait what!? Why are you going? Why they want to come ? What's going on? " Layla questioned.

" I have asked them to go back to college without us because I knew you will go there no matter what. I am going there with you. The boys insisted that they will not leave us alone will come with us whether we like it or not." Lily replied.

"Oh !!.... Wait a second, why are you coming ?" Layla requestioned.

"It's because my grandfather was somehow related to Christa Abell. And I need to know what is happening. I wanted to take responsibility for my grandfather's sins." Lily replied as if she was very furious.

"Lily , What is your grandfather's name ?" Layla asked.

"Lucas Brown.."


To be continued...

A/n: I'm so sorry for not updating. I was not well and I'm reading for my exams. Sorry again. If you like the chapter please do vote and review. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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