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After the mysterious death of the priest , The principal decided to close the church , the room in which the priest lived and the place where Layla and Lily lived. He warned all the students to stay away from the room #13. The room was locked and the girls were transferred to other room in the next floor. Currently , they were sharing their room with an other girl named Bethany.

That day when the priest died , one of the nurse has given them the slip of paper ,which was found in priest's hand . The nurse didn't just give a piece of paper but also a word od advice. She told them to visit a priest in the next street ,who might give a helping hand. Layla and Lily thought of visiting him ,but they were afraid ,if something may happen to him.

Layla woke up with a sudden jerk. She woke up sweating and saw the clock which showed 3:43 AM. The time was bothering Layla. Everyday she would wake up sweating at the same time. The reason she woke up was due to nightmares. It was confusing to her .
In nightmare,

A house with no lights ,which is in middle of a busy Street. All vehicles were moving from here to there but all of the sudden ,all the vehicles were gone. There was no light , a atmosphere filled with pitch black clouds. Only thing moving , which can be seen under a little dim moonlight was a little girl ; who looked like she was suffering from Nyctophilia ,she was laughing , and there was a black cat with a pair of yellow glowing eyes. She would go to tree and all of a sudden all the birds on the trees would fly away. Then you could hear a spooky voice from behind of you saying,
Here in the forest
Dark and deep
I offer you eternal sleep.
The same dream every night freaked out Layla. The next day was picnic day which the college arranged on the spot. Everybody was excited , and Layla and Lily were happy that they could stay away from the college atleast for one day.
When the buses departed , everybody was taking pictures of the beautiful landscapes and were talking. They reached the destination in two hours. It was mountaineering camp , everybody requested that they would do it and will stay for one whole night.
After a long debate , the principle obeyed and asked them to stay nearby.
Layla and Lily were happily talking with Stuart and Paul. They were relieved that ,they get stay out of the college for one day. Stuart said that it was way to silent . But that didn't stay for long. There was a strong wing blowing out of their room . And then the door opened slowly.

It was their friends who came to talk with them. That door opening gave them a slight heart attack.

Next day when they arrived at the college, everybody got out  and were going to their rooms and suddenly they heard a loud scream of a girl , when everybody came to see, they were frightened by the terrible scene.

One of the worker (, the one who gave Layla and Lily the slip of paper)at the college was hanging from the banyan tree beside the locked room. She was dead , but was pointing towards a wall near the window, there were red blood colour was written,
The moon is my sun,
And the night is my day,
Blood is my life
And you are my prey.

The scene was terrible, the girls were scared , they regretted why didn't they took that paper seriously.

What might have happened??

To be continued.......
Nyctophilia -  Love of darkness or night . Finding relaxation or comfort in darkness.
Author note: sorry for late update. I think everyone likes this part. Please do vote. You can comment below of what you think will happen next.

Thank you !!

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