Chapter 23: fear takes over after panic

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"What are you doing!?" I yelled as we were speeding down the high way. He was preparing his gun.

Suddenly he started cursing under his breath and I felt the car slowing down.
"What's happening?" I asked.

"We ran out of gas!" He said as the car came to a stop. He rushed out of the car as he came to my side and opened the door. "Come on!" He said pulling me out of the car. "Run. Follow me." He said. He started running as I tried to keep up. He ran off of the road and headed down the grass but stopped. He started cursing when he saw that we were on a bridge and ran the other way.  We suddenly heard guns firing behind us. He pulled me wrist and made me run at his speed. "Blake." I whimpered.
"It'll be fine you're with me." He said. We found a hiding spot as we heard running footsteps pass by. My heart started beating and I started to panic. Blake noticed me and he held me close while putting his hand on my mouth, covering it to make sure I don't scream or make a sound. Tears escaped my eyes as fear took over me. He spun me towards him and looked me in the eyes.
"Take it and only use it when you need too." He said giving me the gun. "No" I shakes my head side to side.

"Keep it!" He ordered.

"Where are you going!?" I asked as he was walking away.

"To find a way to escape from them." He said and walked away.

My hand trembled as it was in contact with the cold pistol. Tears strolled down my face.

I sat in a small corner making sure I'm out of sight. I hugged my knees as I kept my eyes open. Everything around me was a bunch of trees.

~1 hour later~

I started to panic as I couldn't see Blake . He hasn't returned. I've been waiting for awhile for his return but he hasn't shown ever since the incident. I'm worried something must have happened to him.
I got up from my spot and held the cold pistol in my hand tightly. I started walking slowly to make sure no one was spying on me. I could hear the sticks and leaves crack under my feet. When I was sure no one was there I started running. I started going into every direction I can just to find Blake. After awhile from running around I was desperate I started yelling out his name.

"BLAKE!" I yelled walking around.

I was now surrounded by trees as I couldn't do anything to find him. My head exploded with thoughts. I sat where I was standing not knowing what to do I hugged my knees. I started thinking.
"Please be okay, please be okay." I whispered to myself.
"Don't leave me." I whispered.

Why does everything have to end wrong! Everything. Every time something happens I tell myself or more I convince myself that everything will be fine now. But there is always a catch. I don't know what to do anymore. I wish I could just have a normal lover and live happily ever after with him. I want Blake. In fact I need him. He's my other half and I can't go on without him. I need him in my life. I want him to come back. He's been gone for too long. I'm worrying.

I started rocking back and forth as I sat there unable to do anything. I was too weak. I can't defend myself.  I almost got a heart attack when I saw a spider once! How am I supposed to act In front of strong and criminals.

Suddenly I heard foot steps as I heard a branch crack.

I looked up to be met with...

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