Chapter 31: the end

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"Charlie stop!" I heard Donny yell. He was standing at the bottom as he looked worried. "Don't do it." He yelled. I sat down hugging my knees as I cried. I couldn't help it anymore. "Please come down slowly." He said as I looked down at his face. "Why?" I whispered to myself. "Please just come down we'll talk about it come please!" He was now panicking. I came down slowly as I gripped on the tree, my palm was being scratched by the wood as I felt my feet hit the hard ground. I was still crying at that time.

"Why?" Donny said shocked.

"You really want to know? Because I think it's totally clear. Imagine falling in love with the only person that you never thought would love and then find out that they are dangerous and already have a girlfriend. You move on and find someone else but that someone treats you like a princess but find out that they cheated on you. Right after your first love comes back and you think that everything will be fine and live happily ever after but end up killing him without even noticing and see his body being dragged across a hallway stained with his red blood and now look at me! What's next!?" I answered him. He looked at me with a shocked face.

2 years later:

I now have my own place which is far from the city I used to live in. I have to admit it's hard coming back home without your food being already ready.
The apartment is small but I call it cozy. It's good for a single person. I walked down the dark wooden floor and headed to the kitchen. I made myself a fruit salad and waked to my couch as I turned on the tv. I started watching some of my shows until I saw that it was getting late and I have to go to work early. I walked to my room as I turned off the lights and walked to my bed. I slipped inside the covers and set my alarm to 8:30 am.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm that rang in my ears. I walked to the bathroom as I started the water. I slipped out of my cloths and went inside the shower as I let the hot water run down my neck and hair. I showered for about 25 minutes and then turned off the water as I wrapped a towel around my cold body. I walked out and headed to my closet as I picked out a white over sized shirt, that went up to my thighs and wore black leggings under it. I added a necklace and a watch as I wore my black shoes. I picked up my bag and my leather jacket as I let my hair down and walked to the coffee shop I worked in.


"One caramel frappaccino for ..Blake? I looked at the people waiting for their drinks. I then saw a guy walk through the crowd and look at me.

"That's me." He said. My eyes widened and I dropped the drink. I couldn't believe it. Am I hallucinating?

"Blake?" I said as my voice cracked.

"I missed your voice." He said. I ran around the counter to see him as I ran into his arms.

"But how?" I said crying.

"You needed to connect the dots in the letter." He said. I looked at him confused.

Dear, Charlotte
I might not be near you right now or even beside you. I might be far away or even maybe sitting next to you while you read this. I might not even be in the world that you're living in but in another world. I'm writing this to tell you everything about how I feel and to say my last goodbyes. I don't want you to blame yourself , I knew their plan. I wanted them to let you go and let you live freely without anymore problems this was the only way. Remember when I told you that I'll always keep you safe even if I'm far away, well in going to keep my promise because my love for you is unconditional. I felt the need to write this because I want you to know that it's not you're fault. I don't want you to blame yourself. I already miss your beautiful green eyes that sparkle every time I look at you and when you blush when I compliment you. I miss your cherry red, soft lips when you kissed my cheek every time you're excited. I miss your beautiful smile that lightened up the world and your beautiful wavy chocolate brown hair that you always had in a high ponytail but most of all I miss your voice. I miss the way I heard you sing when you shower and every time a song comes on in the car. I miss you wrapped in my arms when your scared or sad. I don't want to see you sad. I want you to smile. I know this isn't what you wanted, it's not what I want either but I know you'll find happiness very soon.
I want you to forget the past and everything that happened. I want you to consider me as a regular ex-boyfriend or just a love story that you heard. I miss you Charlie, I miss that soft voice of yours when it called my name. I miss you. I love you. This is for the best. If I'm not beside you at this moment, it's for the best. I've caused you enough problems. I don't regret loving you but I regret dragging you into this. I don't want you to forget the good memories but do me favour and forget the bad ones. I loved you since the first day my eyes landed on you. I still remember how shy you were holding your books and remember that day in art class, I never stopped thinking about you ever since that day.
I hope you'll remember me as your first love and hopefully you'll find someone that will love you as much as I did...
I love you Charlie.. Always did and always will... Forever you'll be in my heart and forever I'll protect you... I love you.

"I wanted you to notice these sentences. I couldn't write what I actually wanted you to know because they were reading the letter. I wanted to tell you to meet me back at that house but I don't think you figured it out." He said as he showed me the picture of the letter on his phone. My eyes widened.

"But how are you here?" I asked still trying to process everything.

"Cole helped me after the incident he drove me to a hospital, he did it because he wanted me to go away so he can rule the gang. I got out from the hospital but still kept an eye on you to see how you were doing, I even sometimes used to reach out for your note book when it was close to the window just to know how you feel, I was curious. I know I put you in a bad situation but forgive me. Please. I had too because I needed to convince the gang that I was dead and stay out of sight for awhile." He said. I honestly didn't care about what he was saying all I knew right now that I was happy that he's actually alive.

"How did you find me?" I asked.

"I do my researches." He said. I smiled.
That day I didn't finish my shift but left the shop and spender my day with Blake.

~~ 5 months later~~

" So how do you like that shrimp." Blake asked me as I took a bite from my food. Today he took me out to a restaurant. I laughed as I ate. He suddenly pulled out a red box revealing a diamond ring.

"Will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" I looked at him barely able to swallow my food.
I laughed at his face trying to look like a gentleman.

"Yes" I nodded out holding in a laugh he placed the ring in my finger as he sighed in relief.

"I was worried the ring would be too small or too big." He laughed out as I did the same. I looked at his suit that fitted him perfectly and at his eyes that shown perfectly in the dim light.

"Like the view?" He asked smirking. I rolled my eyes in disbelief, playfully.

"If you're talking about that hot guy than, yes." I laughed. He looked behind him confused. "I'm talking about you, idiot." I laughed. He chuckled.

~~ 10 years later~~

"Reagan get back here you're grounded!" I yelled at my 7 year old daughter that I had just received a call from her teacher saying that she punched one of the kids in the face. Well she turned out to be like her dad. Blake walked in with Xavier that ran across the living room.

"No running in the house!" Blake yelled at Xavier that didn't even care and did what he wanted to do. "Well you are just as stubborn as your mom." Blake laughed.

"Excuse me I'm right here." I said to Blake as he walked towards me.

"Yeah I know and I'm loving the view." He said pulling me close. I laughed pushing him away. He gave me a little kiss as I continued to cook.

"Mom, dad where's brownie?" Brownie was our dog.

"In the garden." Blake yelled. Reagan and Xavier ran to the garden as they played with the dog. We laughed as Blake sat drinking his coffee.

I guess things ended well after all ....

The end of stay. :(

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