Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Grey's Anatomy or any of its characters.

"What do we have here?" Meredith Grey asked as she watched the paramedics unload the gurney from the ambulance.

"Dunn, John knife wound. Possible internal bleeding on the liver."
Meredith grabbed the gurney and started walking in the hospital.

"Someone order me an X-ray. Also prep trauma room 2!" Interns ran every direction to get the things Meredith ordered.

Four hours later

Meredith walked out of the OR and peeled off her gloves. She walked out of the scrub room and ran right into Derek Shepard. He glared at her and started to walk away.
"Rose!" He said seeing his girlfriend. She strutted up to him and kissed him firmly on the lips. Staring at Meredith the entire time.

Meredith walked away to go check on Mr. Dunn. He did not have internal bleeding. Just a surface wound. She walked into his room and shut the doors behind her.

"Mr. Dunn. It's Dr. Grey. Would you like me to open your blinds for you? It's awful dark in here." Meredith said walking over to the blind closets to her.

"Sure!" He said. "Thank you Dr. Grey. Also because we are friends not just doctor and patient you can call me John and I'll call you..."

"Meredith. You can call me Meredith" that's a very pretty name John said.

Suddenly he sat up and grabbed Meredith's arm. He pulled at set of handcuffs out from under his pillow and attached her to his bed.

"Mr.Dunn! What are you doing!" Meredith exclaimed trying to pull away to no avail.

"You see Meredith, I am a murder! I killed pretty blond woman. Much like yourself. Not before I hurt them." He suddenly grabbed a knife from his bedside table and made a long slash across Meredith's stomach.


Derek had just finished his charts when he heard the scream. It was a bone chilling blood curdling scream from the woman he loved. Meredith Grey. He ran towards it as fast as he could. When he got there he saw police lining the room. "What's going on! What's happening!" Miranda Bailey walked up to Derek tears streaming down her face.
"One of the patients is a murder." She said her voice softer when she said that last word. "He took a doctor hostage. Meredith."

Derek pushed past Meredith's friends to get to the window. Meredith was laying on the floor. Her right leg was twisted at a weird angle and the man was repeatedly stabbing her in her stomach.

Derek started pounding on the widow watching as spider cracks made their way up and down the glass. "Derek! Derek!" Addison called grabbing his 2 million dollar fists. "Don't hurt your hands!" She demanded. Then her gaze softened. "I know she's your friend, but there is nothing we can do for her. Why don't you come with me and we can go get something to eat! Someone will keep you posted." Nobody could believe Addison's words. One of their own was unconscious being stabbed and she told him to go get lunch?

Slowly Chief Webber turned around. He looked at Addison then said. "You. Are. Fired. I will have you transferred out of here by morning." Addison looked stunned. She went to open her mouth when a shrill scream came from Izzy who was standing beside her. Face hidden in George's scrubs.

Everyone looked to see Mr. Dunn pulling off his pants. The world seemed frozen. Meredith was too injured to realize what was going on. Until it was too late. He shoved himself up her. Derek could hear ripping mixed in with Meredith's screams as he furiously pounded away inside of her. He then made more cuts along her long beautiful legs.

They all watched from outside the room. Everybody was crying except Addison. Addison was furious. She hated this bitch who ruined her life.

He then lifted Meredith up by her hair as he finished. He slammed her into the door. The once white walls and floors were now a deep dark red. Meredith was still screaming. Though it was definitely wetting weaker and quieter.

Derek turned to the police. "SHOOT HIM!" He screamed. "HE'S GOING TO KILL HER! SHOOT HIM!" The police office looked furious as well. "I can't! I could risk hitting her, or having the glass hit her. We have to wait until she's out. Then she won't make a sudden movement.

Mr. Dunn was getting fed up with Meredith's screaming. He hooked her handcuffs onto a metal pole on-top of the door. She was forced to stand as blood flowed out of her many wounds. He then turned towards the window with a smirk. He ripped a chair leg off the chair and Derek watched. It seemed like everything was in slow motion. Mr. Dunn raised the chair leg and slammed it down on Meredith's head. She was unconscious immediately. The force was so hard the pole on the door collapsed onto her already injured head.

Then the police officer raised his gun and shot Mr. Dunn through the heart. However he managed to swing Meredith and threw her limp body towards the window as glass fell onto her back.

I hope you like it! Please comment me ideas!

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