Alaska's Bio

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So, I can' start a story if you guys know nothing about her and I'd rather not bore you guys with describing her in the stories so here is everything you need to know about Miss Alaska! :)

The Basics

Name: What's their name, why did their parents choose it, does it have any significance? 

-Jade Persephone Evans. Jade was chosen because of her grandmother who was a huge role model in her mother's life. Persephone was actually purposely given to her by her maternal grand mother because the problem that caused Jade's parents to separate is somewhat similar to the Greek goddess' story minus the marrying him part. Evans is her father's last name.

Age: How old are they, how old are they compared to the rest of the characters? 

-28 but looks 18.

Affiliation: Neutral, Freelancer, Antagonist, Protagonist, Red, Blue, Green, Black, Flannel? 


Appearance: Hair (Style, Length, Colour) Eyes, Body type, Skin Tone, Noticeable scars ect

-black naturally, straight and thick. she shaved the right side of her head and often leaves it in a ponytail sitting on her left shoulder. her eyes were dark blue but after the implantation they turned light grey. she has a muscular athletic build. her left leg is cybernetic because of an accident with Agent Maine. Her skin is dark brown. For comparison, think of pure cocoa beans. That's her. Besides her left leg, she has a long noticeable scar going across her face starting above her lleft eyebrow and ending about an inch below her bottom lip.,

Clothing Choice: Readers HATE reading long expositions about clothing choice so generalities and practicality are things to keep in mind. -

Her normal attire is her Mark V black and fushia armor. She will wear big sweatshirts, sweatpants, and hoodies.

Life Prior to Military: What was it like growing up, did it affect them in some way? What was their family life like? Education? Black marks against their name? 

-Jade grew on Irandious II(eh-Rain-Dee-Us 2) which could be compared to earth but with Saturn's colors. She was an only child whose father was an ex navy man dishonarable dischared for insubordination and the asualt of his fellow navy men and staff sargent. Jade orinally didn't want to join the military she wanted to work with computers which were her passion. she decided join when shse realized she could have the best of both worlds, she could travel and work with technology. her mother and maternal grandmother supported her and even started taking her to study and to gun ranges to practice, her father however was extremely against it even to the point as to beating her. one day he beat her so bad that  it caused her to go into a coma for a few moths when she woke up she was more determined than ever to jojjng and was shipped off. she was the second highest raning in her class and continued to build futher even after her planet was destroied.

Personality: Detailed! To start you off try typing [Name] is [Character Flaw] Aaron is a grouch... Ohio is a yappy little terrier, always picking fights... Lisa is a total showoff... Then build around that main character trait! The more detailed, the more 3d and realistic they feel to a reader.

 -alaska is a kind badass with memory issues. she refuses to fight unless it directly effects her. (i.e. : someone she loves.) which in itsself could be a problem depending how much you wanna look into it.howvwer, when she is angry it's a different story, she completely shuts everything down and consentates on the situation eeven if it causes her harm.

Fatal Flaw: How can they screw up a mission and make people hate them? This is exactly what the characters of RvB are, a single flaw extrapolated into an entire personality, and this is what makes them so lovable!  Think about it- Sarge=Deranged Regimental Soldier, Church=Cynical Bastard, Griff=Lazy, Tucker=Chauvinistic Skirtchaser, Tex=The Badass, Simmons=Angry Nerd Kissass, Caboose=Braindead, Sister=Girl of Easy Virtue/Bogan, Doc=Annoyingly Newage. Washington acts as a contrast but even he has a flaw, way too serious and ruthless. A character with flaws reminds us of ourselves, that we empathise with the characters more. Also don't repeat what's already been done in the series, give your character their own niche to make unique.   

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