Implantation (Director Church, Councillor, & Lambda)

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''Hello There.''

''Uh, Hi?'' The golden A.I looked towards the new voice. ''I am very confused.''

''That is perfectly acceptable in your condition.''

''condition? what condition?''

''the one you ar-''

''councilor , please.  I am the director.''

''Hello, Director. I am very confused.''

''It is okay. That is perfectly acceptable in your condition.''

''what condition? am i injured? ''

''do you feel as if you are injured? do you feel any discomfort of any kind?'' The councilor's voice came again.

''No. i am just confused.''

''do you know your name?''

''yes. My name is Alpha.'' The A.I replied proudly nodded his head.

''No, your name is not Alpha.'' The Director replied.

''It is not? I am confused. I thought that it was.'' 

''No. If you would like to know your name, then I can tell you.''

''Yes, Please. ''

''Your name is Lambda.''

''Lambda?'' The A.I tilted his head in confusing.

''Yes, Lambda.''

''I feel like I remember you. Do I know you?'' Lambda pointed towards where the voices were coming from.

''No, you have not existed before today. Today is your birthday.''

''Today is my birthday? Are you my creator?''

''No, Lambda.  However, the director will take good care of you.''

''yes, we will make great things happen.''

''Okay. When?''

''Enough questions. You should sleep now. I have someone else that I want you to meet.''



''Are you ready?'' the director said as he and Alaska walked towards the surgery room.

''Yes sir!'' Alaska replied excitedly. she was ready to get her very own AI.She wondered about which one she would get. Would it be a boy or a girl? Would they get along? So many questions ran through her mind.

''Prep her for surgery.''

''Yes sir. This way, Alaska.'' The medic lead her into the operation room. They laid her body onto the metal table. She looked around and saw many monitors. Some showing her name and heart rate and others showing what she assumed was her brain activity.

they activated the zero gravity so that her body would float and the rotated her body. Moving her hair out the way, they marked a place in the back of her head where her spinal cord was. The took a small gun and made a small incision. Alaska flinched in pain and gave a breath out so that she could make it through it.

she then felt something being placed in the hole that they made. she closed her eyes and began to yell out in pain. it felt as if electricity was surging through her body and melting her muscles. Her entire body felt as if it was on fire. 

''Her heart rate is rising.'' The medic yelled over her screams.

''Calm down, Agent.'' The director said. 

The next thing Alaska knew, it was completely dark. 

She awoke in the infirmary with the back of her head throbbing. She reached back to touch the area, when she felt a circular piece of metal protruding from the skin.

''What?'' She said, still groggy.

''Ah, Good, you're finally here with us.'' The Councilor's voice helped her calm down.

''D-Do I have my AI?''

''Yes. His name is Lambda.''

''Lambda, huh? That's pretty cool. I wanna test him out!''

''You should actually get to know him, first. AI's can be a bit...unstable. Lambda isn't an exception.'' The Councilor warned the Freelancer.

''Oh, okay then.'' She sat up and swung her legs on the side of the hospital bed. She stood up and walked to the door.

''Remember what I said, Agent Alaska. Get to know him first.''

''I'll keep that in mind.'' She waved at him dismissively and walked down the hallway.

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