First Impression(Felix)

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''Where is Washington?'' Alaska had her Battle Rifle directly aimed at Felix's chest.

''Hey there, let's just calm down.'' Felix put his hands up defensively and tried calm down the obviously angry Freelancer.

''Shut up and tell me where Agent Washington is!''

''Uh, and you are?'' Felix said

''My mommy!'' Caboose yelled happily. Felix looked over to Caboose.

''Yeah, dude. Long story but this is Wash's girl.'' Tucker said, scared for Felix.

''His girlfriend?''

''Yeah, She's a freelancer.'' Simmons replied. ''And she's crazy.''

''I see.''

''No, you don't just wait for it.''

''All of you shut up!'' She yelled then she turned her attention back to Felix.''Now, who has weapons of mass destruction?!''


''There it is.'' Tucker said. ''Look, dude, for all of our sake, just tell her a story. Not actually what happened. At least until we're all a fair distance away.''

''Why is that?''

''I'll show you.'' Tucker walked and touched Alaska's shoulders, as the red and blues all backed up as far as they could. Felix was confused by their actions.

''Hey Laska..''

''Tucker, if the next words out your mouth aren't where Wash is then I kick your balls so far into your body that they'll become your eyeballs.'' Alaska growled.

''Geez, bitch I was just going to tell you that Wash was kidnapped.''

''I-What?'' She lowered her weapon and looked at the Aqua armored man. Tucker signaled for Felix to back away from her. Felix followed his order and Tucker did the same.

''Yeah, he, uh, is having a sleep over with , um, the other people.'' Caboose said.

''Shut up , Caboose, I got this.'' Tucker rolled his eyes behind his helmet '' He was taken by this planets resistance.''

''Are you fucking serious?!'' Alaska growled angrily. She marched over to a warthog, lifted it up, and slammed it on the ground before repeatedly punching and kicking it.

''Wow.'' Felix whistled. ''And you sure she's your friend?''

''Yeah but she's not as dangerous as she seems.'' Tucker nodded.

''Not dangerous? Dude she broke the cannon off of a tank with her bare hands!'' Grif yelled. ''While I was in it!''

''Yeah but she'll eventually forget what she's mad about.''

''Eventually? before or after she kills you.''

''I mean a couple minutes into her rampage. Alaska has a problem remembering stuff. I think Wash said it was some form of dementia.''

''Huh. Wouldn't that make her a bad soldier?''

''You would think that but she's awesome.''

''You said she was a freelancer. Does she still have her A.I?''

''Yeah and he's a real prick.''

''He is what most people would call a not nice person.'' Caboose commented as Alaska walked back up to the group.

''Who?'' She said, accidentally spooking the other soldiers.

''I see you calmed down, Miss.'' Felix said , using his smooth voice . Alaska turned her head slightly to look at him. Something about him felt familiar but she couldn't quite think of what it was.

''I have been calm.'' She replied. ''Now, who are you?''

''My name is Felix. I am a freelancer.'' Alaska stepped back and pulled out her assualt rifle.

''No! No! Wait!'' Felix shook his hands in front of him. ''I mean mercenary, I hunt for money.''

''Alrighty then.'' Alaska placed her rifle on her back. ''Im Alaska.''

''Nice to meet you.'' Alaska said shaking the orange and black armored man's hand. ''Now, has anyone seen Agent Washington?''

''Uh, no?'' Felix turned his head to Tucker to see if that was the correct thing to say. He's rather not have her destroy another vehicle.

''Oh.'' Alaska sighed , releasing Felix's hand and turning to Caboose and Tucker, who had Grif an Simmons cowering behind them. ''Caboose, honey.''

''Yes, mommy?''

''Where is Wash?''

''Well, he is uh, having a sleep over with Sarge, Donut, and Lopez. ''

''Sleepover huh? Tucker you know anything about this?''

''Nah, dude you know Caboose trips sometimes. He could be imagining that.''

''Dude, please just tell her.'' Simmons whispered to Tucker. Tucker slammed his elbow into Simmons' stomach. The red armored man doubled over in pain.

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