I Cried

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Okay so this chapter is going have some horrific scenes I'm sorry if you think i was too drastic but yea i have to let it happen !!!

He he!!



"What the hell!". I hissed at my brother as he constantly hit me. "Are you drunk, stop it". I yelled.

"Why should i, your dad has made my life hell now its back firing on you". Sheldon shouted at me.

"What are you talking about?". I asked him in shock.

He blink a couple of time holding his head in his right palm.

"Shit, Dejona, I'm so sorry". He apologize.

"Whats happening to you?". I asked him.

"I'm sorry i have to... I have to go". He said walking out the door.

I don't know why but i started crying.

My dad wasn't home probably out drinking or something but i don't know why my brother was a thing so weird.

Maybe he was doing drugs again.

He has never ever put his hands on me from mom died i don't know what has gotten into him.

I text Sash to tell her i was coming over and she was more that happy because she and Cameron had a fight again.

I reached there in no time to see and saw Sash on her porch.

My eyes were now swollen and my eyes were puffy.

"What the hell happened to you?". Sash asked getting to her feet.

"Nothing". I say lying.

"Clearly its something because your eyes are blood red". She yelled and I flinch when the front door flew open.

"What's with the damn yelling people are trying to get some sleep here". Cameron said opening the door.

I haven't spoken to him since the episode in the library the other day.

When he saw me his eyes widen in surprise.

"Hey DJ, what happened to you?". He asked obviously seeing my eyes swollen.

"Nothing". I say again.

"She keeps saying that and I know she's lying". Sash spited out.

"Did your dad have anything to do with this?". Cameron asked suspiciously. 

"If he did I'll kick his ass". Sash said angrily.

"Okay stop you two, he didn't okay, so just stop". I said to them.

"Then who did it?". Cam asked me again.

"I.. I". I tried to say something but the word couldn't come out.

I knew how protective Sash and Cam was for me and I know they would do stupid things just to make me feel better.

"Did your brother do this?". Sash asked.

Clearly she was reading my mind.

I didn't answer i just held my head down not knowing what to say.

"Did he?". Cam demanded.

"DJ". Sash yelled.

I started crying again putting my hand to my mouth.

"Yes". I said in nothing more than a whisper.

"I can't believe that piece of shit". Cam said slamming the front down and heading down the stairs.

"Where are you going?". Sash asked her brother as he made his way to his car.

"To deal with that asshole". He hissed slamming his car door shut.

As he sped off down the down in the direction of my house.

Thankfully their mom was at work so Sash and I were home alone.

She hugged me tightly as i cried harder.

Knowing that Cam was off chasing my brother and he was downing drugs.

I sighed at the thought as Sash rubbed my back, she always made me comfortable.

"Want some ice cream?". She asked.

I shrug, i really could use something to check me up but i was still worried sick.

I might hate my stepbrother but i still kinda loved him. And I also loved Cam.

Sash waved her hands in front of my face.

"Hello come back to earth, do you want the ice cream or not?".she asked again.

"Yea thanks". I mutter.

She got up and head into the house to get the ice cream.

A couple minutes later she was coming back with two spoons and a jar of ice cream.

Giving the jar to me as she sat i opened it to see that it was my favourite.

Chocolate chip.

We knocked our spoons together and dug in.

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