Good bye Cameron

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After a week of seeing Cameron.

He actually talked to me in one of my classes.


"Why wont you just talk to me, i did you nothing,  i'm the one who should not be talking to you. "

" And why is that. "

" Because you left with only a note saying good bye, no contacts no nothing. "

" I needed a new start, and so should you, just move forward Cameron its been long enough. "

" What if i don't want to?"

"Good bye Cameron. "

I said and ended the conversation.

Going back to the new me is a good sign.

No more distractions.

No more confusions.

No more manipulations.

No more heart breaks.

Just a new fresh start.

Hey guys.

So i hope you took me serious when i said i want to say goodbye to ain't my fault

Well now i think you do

Sorry guys but ain't my fault has come to an end.

Sorry for the shitty last chapters but if you want to read more of my lovely work you can check out my other books.

Thank you for reading this book though i appreciated it.

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