My Bitchy Ex Lover

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I walk over to where Cameron was standing with Miles at my side. I looked up at him and began my great speech.

"Here i am Cameron, i told you this once and am saying it again, we are never going back together, i hate you, i despise you, we will never work out, you were my best friend, but now your nothing but a bitchy ass Ex boyfriend i wish I didn't have". I said telling him the truth.

"Its because of him isn't it?". He asked pointing at Miles.

I gather all the courage in me and then all the shit i was thinking of finally happened.

"Oh how did you know, it is because of Miles, Cameron i moved on and so should you, if not you will be seeing more of this". I grabbed Miles and planted my lips to his.

I turn my head in enjoyment and I could here the entire cafeteria cheering. My heart was pounding and I finally pull away.

"Fine, just know that you wont be doing that for much longer". Cameron said really pissed off and stormed out of the cafeteria.

"Dejona I'm sorry but i don't want you getting into trouble for me, I know you like me but clearly your Ex isn't over you and I don't want to get on his bad side". Miles said with fear.

Miles was always such a charmer. He is friendly, easy to talk to, and was always cheering people up. That's why i like him so much. I don't want to go back to Cameron but this was all Sash's fault, she introduce me to Miles and thought it was for the best but really it wasn't.

"Its okay, i need to find Sash". With that said i head out the cafeteria in search for Sash.



I cant believe DJ and that asshole, she kissed him right in front of me in front of the entire cafeteria.

I want DJ back and I wont stop until i get her back. After all we have been through, i wont loose her i cant loose her.

I went to the tree that DJ and I always hang out when we were together. This was the place we both did our carvings. Best friends for life C vs D nothing will ever separate us. But now i don't think that we are Best friends again. Now that shit of a Miles is ruining everything.

And I have to find a way to get rid of him.



Maybe i should just kill him a dispose of the body.

But then i would go to jail.

Maybe i should just....

Yes i have a great idea.

I waited until the bell rang signalling that it was class time and went to the parking lot.

I search for the trash of a car that Miles drove and started my business.

When i was finish i grabbed my painting set and decorated my art. It was really brilliant because the car was white and I designed it with multiple colours.

I hid behind a wall as the students walk to class. Then there was a scream, definitely that wasn't Miles so who was It.

I peep around the corner and saw a girl and Miles arguing. He was pulling her roughly and asking her questions in which i know she didn't know the answer. A crowd began to build and I went in the middle of it.

"Hey Miles, is that what your going to do to DJ if she ever do something wrong?". I yelled at him.

He looked around to where i was a smirk. When he was in the cafeteria he looked so calm and silent but now he look evil.

Maybe because someone destroyed his car.

I wonder who that monster could be.

"No but that's what I'm going to do to you if you don't explain this". He said pointing to his car.

"Oh my god, who did that!". I exclaimed.

"Wasn't it you?". He asked.

"Oh your right, your right, i was walking by and my paint settling accidentally fell out of my bag and on your car. Of course it was me".

"And your not going to deny it?". He ask again in disbelief.

"No why would i lie to you?". I ask.

"Because your trying to get DJ back". He said.

I walk over to him and was about to rip him to piece when someone yelled at me.

"Cameron, stop!".

I look around to see my sister and DJ run nine towards me. Well at least Sash was, DJ was going towards Miles.

"What the hell is wrong with you?". My sister yelled.


"Okay, wow nothing, you were just going to fight and you say nothing".

"Sash look just stay out of all this okay". I warn her.

"I'm sorry Dejona but i cant do this anymore". I heard Miles say.

"What do you mean, cant do this any more?". She ask him.

"Us been in a relationship, i mean look at my car, who know what he will do next?". He said.

"But Miles i.... ".

" Don't bother Dejona, lets just end it, goodbye". He said walk in away from her.

That son of bitch.

How could he dump her.

Well technically that's what i want but now she is hurting.

What have i done.

Tears stream down DJ's face as she turn to face me.

"This is all your fault, why don't you just leave me alone, your the one who cause me to be like this, do you think doing all this will ever get me back?". She ask calmly.

"I wasn't thinking okay, I'm sorry, i just, i miss you do and you know i will do stupid things to get what i want". I told her.

"I know Cameron, but that should not have gotten between us". She said.

"DJ i just want us to be friends". I yelled at her.

"Friends, did you just say fucking friends because i don't think i heard you correctly. We cant be friends Cameron, after what you did between Miles and I, My Brother and I, i know your trying to protect me but i think i can handle things by myself now, I'm a big girl don't you think?". She spoke with fear.

"Fine, just be careful of the things you do, loosing everyone is not the right way to success". I told her.

"Not when she has me". Sash said throwing her are around DJ.


"That's right, i put her up to this". My Sister said.

"You?". I asked in disbelief.


How did you like this chapter. Cameron is so getting on my nerves. Why couldn't he leave Miles and Dejona to be. He is just jealous, if he wanted her to be his one and only he wouldn't have cheated.

Love you please vote and comment

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