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7:30 pm

      I was sitting on my couch looking at my phone when I heard a crash and a scream. I didn't really think anything of it because someone could have just dropped something on their foot or something like that. Then it came again and again. I got worried. What if there was a break in. Sure it could just be some idiots throwing stuff at eachother, but you never know. I stepped outside into the hallway. I wanted to know where it was coming from before I called it in to the front desk. I heard it coming from across the hall. It was that man's place. I heard a huge thump and then someone yell,


      What the hell could he be doing? I decided then that he wasn't in trouble because he was laughing, but why would he yell that? I decided to call the front desk and report this.  Not as a noise complaint because it wasn't really bothering me, for now, but just to tell them what's going on. I stepped back into my apartment and found the number to the front desk. I called and waited while it rung.

"Hello this is Sundance Apartments. I'm Lucy speaking. How can I help you?"
"Oh hi I just came by and grabbed my key about 30 minutes ago and I think I spoke to you?"
"Oh, yes, (y/n) apartment 336, correct?"
"Yeah. I just wanted to call you to ask about this screaming and banging coming from 337 across from me."

      There was a pause.

"Yep, we get complaints about that all the time. We told him he couldn't film in this building anymore. He's been pretty good about it recently. Let me call and get security..."
"No! That's ok... um if he does it again I'll call, but if it's just this once I don't want him to get in trouble."
"Are you sure?"
"Alright well is there anything else I can help you with?"
"No, bye thank you."
"No problem."

      I hung up the phone.

Did she say filming? What could he be filming?
8:30 pm

      It was getting late and I had just finished putting my sheets on my bed. There it was again, a thud and a scream. I was getting tired of it now. What could he be filming that would take this long? Like what the fuck? Is he some weird fetish pornstar? I decided to go and knock on the door. I stepped into the hallway and pressed the doorbell. When there was no answer I knocked. Then, it got dead silent. I was about to leave when the man who helped me with my bags earlier opened the door. I tried with everything I had not to laugh, but I couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing. He was wearing a fucking greasy Princess Bubblegum outfit with what looked like... um eggs maybe? Whatever it was it was splattered all over him. Then when I thought it couldn't get any better the Adventure Time gang came up to the door along with a large... baby man? I finally collected myself and Princess Bubblegum shooed the others away and they left.

"What the heck are you doing in there? Some kind of weird porn?" I chuckled. He did also.
"No I was making an even more retarded video."
"For what?"
"They let you put this shit on YouTube?"
"Barely." He smiled. He looked familiar now in those glasses and outfit.
"I feel like I've seen you before. On YouTube maybe?"
He nodded and shrugged.
"Maybe I'm in a lot of different people's videos and I make my..."
"IDUBBBZTV SUBSCRIBE!" Someone yelled from the back.
"Fuck up cunt!" He shouted back. "Sorry about him..."
"It's fine. Hey I never got your name."
"Oh I'm George."
"I'm (y/n)."
"Pretty name." He smiled and then continued to say, "Oh I must be bothering you since you, uh, knocked. Sorry I usually don't film here but the boys are here from out of town so we had to film one here. We're almost done."
"That's fine. I'll let you get back to filming."
"Alright. I'll see you around."
"See you around." I giggled as he shut the door.

8:40 pm

      I stepped back into my room and got on my laptop. I wanted to look up iDubbbzTv. Maybe he had videos of George. I knew that I knew him from somewhere...

336:337 ( A Joji x Reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now