The Filth

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9:00 pm

      I grabbed my laptop and searched this "iDubbbz" fellow. I clicked on his channel and realized I knew him. I've seen a few of his "Content Cop" videos. I watched a few new videos, but no sign of George. Then, I found the guy who had the Jake costume on. His name was Max and I went to his channel. I stumbled upon gold when I found, "Super Trash Bros". There was George and a link to his channel.

"That's who he is?" I said aloud to myself. "Fucking Filthy Frank."

      I had seen a few of his videos sent to me by my friends, but I never really got that into him, but I thought I'd give him another try. I watched a few videos and I kinda liked them. He was actually funnier than I remembered. After about 3 videos I decided that that was enough filth for one night. I was tired. I mean I had just moved to a completely different state.

      I grabbed my pillows and blankets from one of my many suitcases. As I was laying there I made a mental checklist of what I needed to do tomorrow:
1. Go to store for groceries
2. Buy a TV
3. Proceed to set up said TV
4. Buy pots and pans
5. Probably overdraw my bank account

      Damn. I had a lot to do and a lot of money to spend tomorrow. I'm just lucky I work from home. Having to go into work would be awful. And with that I fell asleep.

9:35 am

      I woke up to more rain. Great. I grabbed my phone and did my usual checking of the social media. After I entertained myself enough with that I decided to roll out of bed. I went to my closet only to find... no clothes.

Shit. I forgot to put away my clothes yesterday.

      I guess that would be the first thing I did.

10:15 am

"Annnndd...thaaatt... is the last one!"

      I had finally finished putting up my clothes. Now I just had to get dressed in them. I picked something that looked nice, but was comfortable. I grabbed my keys and jacket then headed to the elevator to start my day. I decided to switch up my mental checklist and go for both "over drawing my bank account" and "buying a TV" first. I looked for the cheapest TV I could find. I probably went to about 3 different stores until I found a cheap 48" flat screen that would do fine. I bought it and haulled it out to my car. It was off to the grocery store.

1:00 pm

      I stocked up on food because I would be eating at home for a while until I got settled. I got some cooking utensils and I was done! It went a lot faster than I thought. I drove home and I went from being proud of myself for getting everything done so quickly to hating myself for buying so much because I had to haul it up to the 3rd fucking floor. Yeah there was an elevator, but I still had to carry everything. For normal people this isn't a big deal, but for me it is. I believe in one single trip. If it's possible, no matter how difficult it is, to get everything into my house in one trip, I'll do it. I knew I wouldn't be able to get the TV, but I could get the bags of groceries. I hung them all up my arms and had about 5 bags in each hand. I looked fullblown crazy bag lady, but hey I only had to come down one more time to get the TV.

      I set the bags I had in my right hand down to press the elevator button when someone came up behind and said,

"So we meet again."

      I recognized that voice. It was George. I turned around to face him.

"Oh hey." I gave him a little wave with my now free hand.

"So... you need help?"

      George chuckled.

"Here let me get the ones on your arms. I can't believe you really tried this." He said softly laughing again.

"Well if I got all those up I'd only have to come back down once more for my TV."
"You have a fucking TV you have to carry up too?"
"Don't worry, I'll get it."
"Get what?"
"The TV."

      I honestly really wanted him to carry the TV in for me because it was so heavy, but it's not like he was my friend. I couldn't let someone I had just met do that.

"No, you don't have to. I'll be able to get it."
"No, really I can get it. I don't want you to carry it that far."
"Are you sure?"
      The elevator door opened and we stepped in.

"Yeah no problem."

      He turned and smiled at me and I returned a smile. He pushed the 3rd floor button.

      George was sweet. I wouldn't mind getting to know him beyond Filthy Frank. Which that reminded me...

"So I found you on YouTube." I said as I turned to look at him. He turned back to face me with a horrified look on his face.

"Oh god. You did?" He kinda smirked.
"Yeah, but don't worry, I think you're hilarious."

      His facial expression instantly turned from a horrified look to a happy one.

"Yeah. I mean I could do without the 'Hair Cake' and other assorted cake videos, but other than that you're pretty ok." I nudged him.

       He smiled. Then it was silent. I couldn't think of anything to say. He made me... flustered for some reason. Finally the elevator door opened and we stepped out. He followed me to my door and I opened it. He set the groceries down on the counter and turned to face me.

"So is the car unlocked?"
"Yeah, but I'll walk down with you."
"Why? You afraid I'm gonna hijack your car or something?" He said smirking.
"Sorry I didn't mean it like that. I meant it like it's my TV so I should at least walk with you or something."
"Alright then let's go."

      We walked down the stairs because it was faster when we weren't carrying anything. He grabbed the TV and refused every attempt I tried to make to help him. We made it back inside my apartment.

"Thank you so much! Now I just have to set it up."
"You're welcome..." He was quite for a second.
"Hey I don't have anything to do today so I could set up your TV."
"Oh gosh you don't have to do that. You've already helped me enough."
"For real it's fine. I want to. Plus we'll get to know eachother better."

      I did want to spend time with him. He seemed like a pretty sweet, down-to-earth guy.

"Fine, but this one I really am helping you with after I put away my groceries. Ok?"
"Fine." He walked over to the box and started opening it. He was pretty ok. I wouldn't mind us being friends.

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