I'm Really Serious

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1 week later
1:36 am

      I woke up to my phone buzzing on my bedside table. I groggily wiped my eyes and checked what it was. It was a text...from George.

Come over

      I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep, but I got another text.


      I put down my phone again. I really didn't want to talk to him. Especially after last week. My phone buzzed again.

I miss you

      Now that broke my heart. I felt tears well up behind my eyes. Why did he have to write that? He really knew how to get to me, didn't he? All I wanted to do was to go over to his apartment and for us to be back to how we used to be, but I couldn't. He wasn't the same and I couldn't change that. Another message came in.

I'm really serious


I just want to talk I'm sorry

      Was he actually serious? I wanted to go, but how could I face him again. I would just get attached and then he would shrug me off again. Back to that vicious cycle. I couldn't. Not again. There was something in the back of my mind though. Like I knew I should talk to him. It became overwhelming and I went against my better judgement. I found myself infront of his door.

      I knocked. I actually knocked. I waited for what seemed like forever and then it opened. There stood George. He looked awful. His hair was a mess and he was shirtless. He obviously hadn't shaved in a couple days. I felt bad for him. Was he ok?

"Hey." George said plainly, breaking the silence.

"Hey." I said back.

"Do you wanna come in?" He asked.

      I nodded and walked through the door as he stepped to the side. His apartment was a mess. I mean to be fair it always was, but this time it was different. I could tell he wasn't doing well.

      We sat down on the couch. George sat a good distance away from me, not facing me. He kept looking down at the ground. He rested his arms on his knees and sat hunched over. It was killing me seeing him like this. I wanted nothing more than to just reach over and hug him, but I had to refrain.

"Are you ok George?" I asked sincerely.

      There was a long pause and then there were his soft, broken words. They were almost a whisper.

"I miss you. I really do." He uttered.

      I sat forward to get a little closer to George. I breathed in heavily and sighed.

"I miss you too."

      There was silence again. I knew that I had to ask if I was going to get anything out of him.

"Why'd you want me to come over."

      Silence. It was killing me. Smothering me in silence.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry to say this, but I'm still completely head over heels for you."

      It felt like I couldn't breathe. Did he really still have feelings for me?

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