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8:32 am

      I opened my eyes. My phone was ringing and had woken me up. I groaned and looked at the time. Who the hell was calling me at eight in the morning? I looked at the caller ID and it was George. I picked up my phone and answered it groggily.

"Hello? George?"
"Yeah, (y/n), can I come in?" He sounded panicked.
"Yeah. Are you outside my door?" I sat up in my bed.
"Yes, just, I need to hurry, but I have to talk to you before I leave. Your door is locked."
"Ok. I'll be right there. Bye."

      He hung up without even saying bye. I was worried. He sounded like something was wrong. I threw on a hoodie and pants I found on the floor and ran to the door to open it. There was George standing there with a suitcase next to him and he was fidgeting. He pushed past me and sat down on the couch, then stood back up. I could tell he was nervous.

"Joj, what's wrong?" I asked as I shut the door.
"My dad had a stroke so I'm flying to Australia."
"Oh my gosh! Is he ok?"
"They don't know yet. I'm just trying to get there as soon as possible."
"So are you leaving now?"
"Yeah, I got a flight. It leaves in an hour. Look, here's a key to my apartment. I don't know why you would need it, but I was going to give you one anyway."

      He handed me the key. I held up a finger telling him to wait a moment and ran to the kitchen area. I grabbed my spare key and gave it to him.

"I don't know why you would need this either, but I was also going to give you one anyway."

      He smiled. It was the first smile I had seen from him since I opened the door. He cupped my cheek with his hand and kissed me on the head hurriedly. He made his way to the door. He opened it and started to walk out when he turned to tell me something.

"Oh, I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I'll call you and keep you posted... I'll miss you."

      This time he gave me a kiss on the lips and then basically sprinted down the hall. I shut the door. I went to lay back down. So much had happened in a few short minutes. After I had processed all that went down and what George had said, I drifted off to sleep.

A week later
10:16 pm

      It had been a week since that awful morning. George called and texted everyday just to catch up and keep me updated on his father's condition. Luckily he survived, but was having some complications, so George was staying in Australia for another week to help him.

       I was starting to miss him. I could definitely tell we were in the "honeymoon stage" of the relationship because it was almost unbearable  how much I just wanted him to be there. Then, I remembered I had a key to his apartment.

Hey Joj, would it be weird and/or creepy if I stayed the night in your apartment?

      It was a few minutes before he replied.

No. Why? Haha you miss me too much or somethin?


I just thought that maybe being around your things would help

Dammit! The one night you actually say yes to staying over at my place I'm not there!


      I stuck my tongue out at him eventhough I knew he couldn't see me.

How's your dad? Poor thing

He's actually doing a lot better. He can walk with a walker now. I should be back by Sunday. At least that's when I have my flight booked

That's great! Tell him I'm thinking about him

I will. I've told him so many stories about you. That's all he wants to do to pass the time. I can definitely tell he's getting old. Shit you not he won't stop asking when you're coming to Australia

Haha he seems sweet

Anyway I have to go now. See you Sunday!

What the hell do you have to do at 10:30 at night? Go wallow in my bed sheets?

      I rolled my eyes and said shut up out loud to myself.

I'll see you Sunday ;)

11:02 pm

      I grabbed my pillow and blanket and walked over to George's apartment. I was just planning to watch TV and sleep on the couch. I sat down and turned on the TV.

2:48 am

      My eyes shot open. I layed on the couch silently. There it was again. It was a hard knock on the door. I checked the time. I immediately thought the worst. I mean, why else would someone be at the door at two in the morning other than if it was an emergency. I got up quickly and answered the door cautiously. I was confused when I saw a woman with long brown hair and excessive makeup on who I didn't recognize on the other side.


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