I miss you

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10:06 am

      I woke up and immediately rembered the plans I had made with Joji that night. I was going to go over to his place around 8. I still didn't know why I agreed to go with him, but I did. I mean he is kinda cute and has an...interesting personality.

      I got up and poured myself some cereal. I was eating when I realized that I didn't even have his number. I decided to go over and ask for it before I forgot. I really didn't want us to get separated and have no means of communication. I put my bowl in the sink and threw on some sweats and a hoodie.

11:49 am

      I stepped out into the cold hallway and across to his door. I decided to knock because last time he ignored the bell. I stepped back to let him answer. It was a good minute or so before I heard the click of the lock and the door cracked open.
"Hey it's me." I decided to say because he was only peeking through the crack as if he was trying to identify who it was.

"Oh, uh, hey."

      He opened the door a little more and I realized he didn't have a shirt on. I instantly started blushing and became flustered. Gosh why was I like this.

"Sorry did I wake you?" I asked.
"No. I mean I was still in bed, but you didn't wake me."
"Well anyway, I just wanted to get your phone number before I forgot. I don't want us to be separated and not be able to contact eachother tonight."
"Sure, that's why you want my number." He winked.
"Oh my gosh just give it to me." I said as I handed him my phone. He gave me his as well.
"There. Now just go home Ms. Grumpy."
"Fine, but I bet you'll miss me." I stuck out my tongue. He smiled.
"See you tonight?"
"Yep. Bye"
"Bye." He shut his door.

      I walked into my apartment and decided to watch TV on the couch. I wasn't even 5 minutes into the show when I got a text.

I miss you
      It made me smile.

Told ya you would

      I didn't get a response back, but I was happy about it. Why was I so happy about a text?


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