I Love You

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3:46 am

      After some more thought, I remembered her mentioning something about me being a fan. I didn't know he was Filthy Frank until after we met. Nothing added up. I still didn't fully believe that she was lying, though. There were some things that I still couldn't figure out like, if she was lying how'd she find out where he lived and get past the security? Why would she do this?

      Soon, my sadness turned into anger and I decided that I was going to get to the bottom of this. I opened my door quietly and peeked my head out. I definitely didn't want to catch the girl in the hallway. I stepped out and walked downstairs to the lobby where I was hoping to find the security guard; however, no one was there.

      I made my way back upstairs to find my door cracked opened. I was surprised. I knew I definitely did not leave it open. Especially not with her around. I cautiously made my way to the ajar door and stopped to listen. There was some rustling inside, but it stopped when I took another step forward. I knew someone was in there. I quickly, but quietly, made my way back down to the lobby.

      Once I made it down there, I patted all over my body just praying I had my phone on me. I found it in my back pocket. I immediately dialed 911. I told the lady on the other end what was going on and she said she would have the police there as soon as possible. She told me to stay on the line with her until they got there incase anything happened. I waited.

5:11 am

      The police officer came back into the lobby.

"Yep, we found her. We ID'd her and she has multiple restraining orders. Mr. Miller even filed one. Something about she followed him around a convention and then proceeded to follow him home. We got in contact with Mr. Miller. Told him everything that's goin' on. She could be lookin' at anywhere from a year in jail to two years in prison for violating a restraining order and breaking and entering. She's already off to be booked right now."

"Do you know how she got past security? I mean he's a great security guard and knows basically everyone here. He would definitely stop her."

"Yeah, we questioned him. He said he got a call from someone claiming to be from apartment 337 and they told him they saw a suspicious person on the sixth floor. He said he went to check it out. We have no doubt it was her who called to make a diversion."

"Oh wow. She really had this planned out. Well, thank you so much." I said as I sighed a breath of relief.

"So everything in your apartment is there, correct? We didn't find anything on her."

"Yeah, I don't think she took anything. It looks like she was just looking through my stuff and George's."

"Alright, we'll be going now. Get some rest."

"Ok, thank you!"

      The officer left and I watched the other police cars drive off. I went back to my apartment and then layed down in my bed. I immediately FaceTimed George.

5:46 am

"Hey (Y/n)! Oh my gosh are you ok?"

"I'm fine." I chuckled, but I soon burst into tears.

      It wasn't because I was sad or angry, but because I was exhausted, confused, and still shocked by what happened.

"Fuck, don't cry. Hey, everything's alright. They've got her now. You don't have to be afrai-"

      I cut him off.

"It's not that... I'm just...tired... an-and..." I was talking between sobs. I finally took a deep breath and then continued. "What she said... about you."

"What did she say? Tell me exactly what happened. All I was told is that she was in my apartment and arrested."

      I had forgotten he didn't know anything about what happened except for what the police officer told him. I took another deep breath.

"You know how I was staying at your place for the night?"

      He nodded yes.

"Well, she knocked on the door around two in the morning, so I answered it."

"You mean you opened the door for someone at two in the fucking morning?!" He basically yelled at me, but I deserved it.

"I know. It was stupid. I just, with everything going on, thought maybe it was an emergency."

"I know, I get it. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I just want you to be safe while I'm gone. I don't want anyone to hurt you."

"It's fine."
       I smiled and then continued.

"So, I answered the door and didn't recognize her so I just said hi and waited for her to introduce herself, but instead she was really bitchy and said, 'Who the hell are you?' She claimed that she was your girlfriend and I'm sorry that I doubted you for even a second, but I did and believed her."

"I understand. I mean you were confused. I just want you to know that I'd never cheat on you."

"I know... she basically said that you were just using me for sex and that's when I figured out she was lying. Well, I didn't figure it out until a good hour after the fact, but I was so confused and in shock when she said it that it didn't process in my mind. It's just... I've been cheated on before and...and it really hurt. I just kept thinking about that and believed her... I'm sorry..."

"I told you, it's fine. I don't expect you to trust me when a girl shows up at your boyfriend's apartment and claims to be his girlfriend. It sounds pretty believable."


      I looked down because I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I didn't want to cry over Eddie again and I definitely didn't want George to see me either. Eddie was long gone and he was, and is, an unbelievable douche bag, but I still thought about what our life could have been like. Of course George saw me.

"Fuck, (y/n), I really wish I was there. Look, stop, don't cry. I want to hear all about that fucking cunt who cheated on you when I get back so I can hate him with you, but for now let's forget about that."

      I laughed a little, wiped my tears, and then looked back at him on the screen.

"Are you still coming back on Sunday?" I asked while sniffling.

"Actually I'll be back this Thursday."

"Really?! Why? Please don't tell me it's because of me. I want you to be with your dad!"

"My dad is actually doing much better. He's not fully recovered, but then again he never will be, but he can walk on his own and my mom said she can take care of him by herself. Of course I refused at first, but she's so fucking stubborn, so I'll be back on Thursday." He laughed.

"Alright... I can't wait! I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too."

      He smiled.

6:05 am

      We talked some more, but George saw me yawn so he said I should get some rest.

"Bye Joj. I'll see you Thurs-" I realized in the middle of the sentence that today was Wednesday now.
"Or I guess I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Yep. Bye... I love you..."

      At first I didn't catch what he said, and then it sunk in. He said "I love you". I smiled. I must've had the widest grin on my face. He said it. He said exactly what I felt. I was in love with this man. I finally realized there was a really long pause and he was still waiting to hear my response.

"I love you too."

      He audibly sighed a breath of relief. I laughed.

"Oh fuck, thank God. You didn't say anything for a while and I was scared I fucked up."

"No, you said nothing wrong. Absolutely nothing wrong."

      He chuckled.

"Good. See you tomorrow." He said smiling.

"See ya."

      I waved goodbye and we both hung up.

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